Core competence Overview
Institute Excellence Centres
Display and Video Quality
Integrated Circuit and System Design
Microelectronic Process Technologies
Networking and Optical Systems
Optical Components
Packaging Technologies
Printed Electronics
SME Services
Sensor Technologies
Thin film High Density Interconnect (HDI)
Acreo Fiber Optic Center
IMAGIC - IMAGing Integrated Components
News and Events
About Acreo Fiber Optic Center
Core Competence
Acreo Fiberlab
Characterization and Maeasurement services
Fiber Bragg Gratings Lab
Electrooptical fibers and applications
High speed FBG switching
Positioning system for manufacturing industry
Modelling of photodarkening in Yb glass
Polarization switch
All-fiber micro-cavity
Fiber Bragg gratings
Functional Fibers
Fiber Optics in Life Science
Harsh Environment Fibers
In the Press
Scientific Publications
Other publications
Book published at
Press: Fiberoptik mäter allt petnoga
Licentiatseminarium: Theory and Applications of Coupling Based Intensity Modulated Fibre-Optic Sensors
Acreo papers at Photonics West
Disputation: Gitter-komponenter för filter, switchar och lasrar
Öppna tjänster inom fiberoptik
In the press: Trendspaning på fibermöte
Disputation: Optimerat material för fiberlasrar
IMAGIC News and Events
IMAGIC Technologies
IMAGIC Resources
IMAGIC Publications
IMAGIC Editorials
IMAGIC Contact us
Nov 20: Seminar “Progress in Imaging Technology for Non-Visible Wavelengths”
Elektronik i Norden: Ny kameratyp kan säkra mörkerkörningen
Elektroniktidningen: Acreo och KTH siktar på säkerhet
Master Thesis Work: Analysis of GaN UV detectors by simulation and measurement
Diploma work: Fabrication of optoelectronic components by nano imprint lithography
Elektronik i Norden: "Gör det osynliga synligt"
IMAGIC Seminar 07 - Report
IMAGIC Publications 2007
IMAGIC Publications 2006
Editorial June, 2008
Editorial January, 2008
Editorial October, 2007
Editorial June, 2007
AcrVQWin runs subjective experiments for video quality in Windows
IPTV-interface: open source interface software for video quality monitoring
Radio Transceiver Architectures
RF-IC Design
Mixed Signal IC-Design
Digital ASIC
µW & mmW-Design
Socware Design
UV NIL process
Silicon Carbide
MEMS Technology
Mobile Communication & Broadband
Open Net Broadband-TV working group
Field demonstrations of broadband and mobility optical network solutions for the Future Internet
Broadband Behaviour
Specialty Optical Fibers
Fiber Optic Components
Optoelectronic Components
All-fiber Polarization Control
Fiber Bragg Gratings
Fiber Sensors
Microwave Photonics
Electrooptic Fiber Components
High Temperature FBG Sensors
Nano imprint lithography
Surface-normal electroabsorption modulators
Quantum dots – materials and devices
Modulator arrays - SLM
Projects & Partners
Novel Electrochemical Devices
Hybrid Technologies
Dry Phase Patterning
Microelectronics Quality Service
SME Networks
Microelectronics Quality Service / in Swedish
Analytical services
HDI - Trends & Market
What is HDI?
HDI - Technology
HDI - Services
HDI - Products
Lab resources Overview
Electrum Laboratory - Semiconductor lab
Fiber Optics Laboratories
Acreo National Testbed, ANT
Measurement Services
Interconnect and Packaging
Microelectronics Quality Service
Lab-QLA processes
Acreo FiberLab
Characterization and Measurement
Fiber Bragg Gratings Lab
Fiber Components Lab
Transmission Lab
FiberLab - Facility
FiberLab- Other activities
ANT Activities
Automatic probe system
RF / Microwave
Mixed Signal & System
Antennas, Components
Large Area Processing
MCM-D substrate processing technology
Photomask fabrication
Printing Laboratory
About Acreo Overview
Career Opportunities
Senior Expert
Vill du utveckla framtidens fiberoptiska lösningar?
Doktorand - Fiberoptiska komponenter
Examensarbeten - Fiberoptiska komponenter
Partners Overview
Ownership Partners
Co-operation partners
Partners Major Projects
Industrial Research Schools
Electronics Research
IT based on paper
Kista Photonics Research Center
ALPHA - Architectures for fLexible Photonics Home and Access networks
EU Structural Fund objective 2 ("Mål 2")
Fiber Optic Valley
FNIR Fusing Far and near InfraRed imaging for pedestrian injury mitigation
HECTO - High-speed Electro-optical Components
KAPID - Korean Association for Photonics Industry Development
TRAMMS Traffic Measurements in Multi-Service Networks
IRS Optics
IRS Electronic Design
IRSED Events
IRSED - PhD Projects
IRSED - Participating Universities, Colleges
IRSED - Industrial Partners
Industrial PhD co-funded by the Knowledge Foundation
Associated Ph D
Bipolära kraft-transistorer i kiselkarbid
Micro structured polymer foils
Manburen elektronik
Configurable Hardware Support for Real-Time Operating Systems
Flip Chip for RF and High Frequency
Monolithic integration of a broadband electro-optic modulator with a widely tuneable lase
Nanotube as Integrated Cooling Devices
Design for Testability strategies for NoC-platforms
ElectroChemical Pattern Replication
Thermal Management of Electronics in Avionics Applications
Methods for realization of electronics in harsh environments
IP komponenter
Reconfigurable and Adaptive Receiver Architectures and Circuits for Wireless Communications
Equivalent Circuit Models in Combination with Full Wave Simulations and System Identification Methods
Publ, Events Overview
Annual Reports
Scientific Publications
Reports and Tutorials
Aperturen 2-2008
Aperturen 1-2008
Aperturen 1-2007
Aperturen 2-2006
Aperturen 1-2006
Aperturen 2-2005
Aperturen 1-2005
Aperturen 2-2004
Aperturen 1-2004
Aperturen 1-2003
Aperturen 2-2002
Aperturen 1-2002
Aperturen 2-2001
Aperturen 1-2001
Aperturen 2-2000
Aperturen 1- 2000
Seminar "Looking deeply into the networks - What do we see?" (2008)
Seminar "Progress in Imaging Technology for Non-Visible Wavelengths" (2008)
Seminar: Nanoelektronik och sensorer för Automation och Processkontroll (2008)
Seminar: "The use of Internet in Sweden" (2008)
Seminar Internet Exchange Points, IPv6 and Infrastructure (2008)
Seminar: Nanoelectronics and Photonics - Telecommunication (2008)
Seminar Plastic Optical Fibre (2008)
Seminarium Nanoelektronik o sensorer - säkerhetslösningar (2008)
Seminar Broadband Technology (2008)
Acreo på Electronics /EP 2008
Seminar: Nanoelectronics and sensors - medical products (2008)
Workshop: Tryckt Elektronik (2007)
Seminar: Power Components in Silicon Carbide (2007)
IMAGIC Seminar: Imaging technology for non-visible wavelengths (2007)
Frukostseminarium Bredband - framtida möjligheter (2006)
Seminar: Microelectronics R&D Future for Sweden (2006)
Seminars: GMPLS (2003-2006)
Seminariedag: Detektorer och modulatorer för bildalstring (2005
Framtidens Radar Front End (2005)
Silicon Carbide Seminar day (2004)
ECOC 2004, Sept 5-9
Annual Conference 2003
Annual Conference 2002
Annual Conference 2001
Annual Conference 2000
2008 Scientific Publications
2007 Scientific Publications
2006 Scientific Publications
2005 Scientific Publications
2004 Scientific Publications
2003 Scientific Publications
2002 Scientific Publications
2001 Scientific Publications
2000 Scientific Publications
-1999 Scientific Publications
Final report Acreo Broadband Communication Project
Tutorial Infrared Detectors
Tutorial X-ray Detectors
News Archive
Press Material
Contact us Overview
Head office in Kista
Acreo in Norrköping
Acreo FiberLab in Hudiksvall
Career Opportunities
Core competence Lab resources About us Partners Publ, Events News,Press CONTACT US
Acreo / Partners / Partners Major Projects / NeuroMIND - Neuroscien... Printer friendly version
NeuroMIND - Neuroscience and Micro Nano Devices
A project in VINNOVA's BioNanoIT programme in collaboration with Dept of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. Overall objectives: to develop and industrialize micro/nano devices for applications in neuroscience, and in particular:
Development, improvement and industrialization of micromachined multielectrode probes for recordings in neural tissue.
Evaluation and use of the neural probes in application experiments (multi-unit recordings), thus providing input and feedback to probe development.
The vertebrate brain is a complex system of cortical areas and subcortical structures making up an intricate network of functional circuits for sensory perception, cognition, emotional response, and motor control.
Each circuit is composed of thousands of neurons organized into local networks which perform powerful processing contributing to different aspects of the behaviour. Although the characteristics of single neurons have been studied extensively, the different functions of the brain cannot be explained without taking its network properties in account. For most systems these are largely unknown as it has been very difficult to study the activity of many neurons at the same time. Thus there is a gap in our understanding between the cellular and system levels.
Microfabricated tools that enable multiple and simultaneous recordings to be made in neural tissue are essential to narrow that gap, and some observers believe that a quantum jump in the understanding of the brain is likely to occur at some point, as the number of recording sites increases. Such tools may also find utility in drug discovery processes. Furthermore, Sweden has an outstanding tradition in the neurosciences to build new cross-disciplinary ventures upon.
Overall project objectives: To develop and industrialize micro/nano devices for applications in neuroscience, and in particular:
Development, improvement and industrialization of micromachined multielectrode probes for recordings in neural tissue. Evaluation and use of the neural probes in application experiments (multi-unit recordings), thus providing input and feedback to probe development.
Schematic drawing of a micromachined silicon neural probe chip developed at Acreo
Project Partners:
Acreo AB and Karolinska Institutet (Department of Neuroscience).
The project is scheduled to run for three years, starting in the third quarter of 2003.
The NeuroMIND project is funded by the Swedish Agency for Innovation System's (VINNOVA) BioNanoIT programme.
(so far most of them written during the previous "VSAMUEL" project)
Links within NeuroMIND:
Karolinska Institutet
KI, Department of Neuroscience
VSAMUEL (Previous project)
Neural probe specifications (pdf):
- 32-site neural probes
- 64-site neural probes
Back to Major Projects
Contact us
Partners Overview
Ownership Partners
Swedish ICT Research, FMOF, RISE Holding
Co-operation partners
ICT, electronics research, IT on paper
Partners Major Projects
Some major projects and the partners involved
Industrial Research Schools
A Knowledge Foundation Programme
Contact us / Copyright © 2004 Acreo AB / Part of Swedish ICT / About Cookies
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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