Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mind Control Gang Stalking Campaigns, A Compilation Blog

May 29, 2007

Mind Control Gang Stalking Campaigns, A Compilation Blog

Filed under: gang stalking rehabs, indy media, gang stalking zionism, Political activism, Gang Stalking Targets, Mind Control Manipulation, New York State Civil Liberties, The Psychology of Mind Control, Gang stalking Psychology, Gaslighting, Covert Harassment, electronic harassment, CIA, conspiracy theory, social psychology, civil liberties, Brainwashing, New World Order, gang stalking, chemical weapons, Above Top Secret, Cults, Colorado — gems news & views @ 6:07 pm

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Anatomy of Campaigns in Gang Stalking/Mind Control
Tricks of the Mind Control Trade: A glimps at some horrific psychic torture

Creative Murder In Mind Control and Gang Stalking

At the present time, my victimization through gang stalking and mind control has dwindled my existence to that of a rag, being manipulated for purpsoes of psychological harassment of the most heinous kind. I have been living from a bag of a few of my belonging since August, unable to get at belongings and personal possessions that are in storage. I have been living in an apartment that has been a torture chamber, as my nieghbors are harassers, part of the carefully orchestrated campaign against me. I am victimized by Direct Energy Weapons daily, and have been carefully manipulated by family members who I have been totlally discredited too, and are all under instructions, in regards to their associations to me, of sadistic psychopaths who run psychological torture operations that rid victims of everything they hold dear.

They have succeeded in making making my life hell, by leaving me dangling with little, unable to direct my energies in my pursuits of employment, my language study. They have carefully manipulated my life, as well as others, in ways that make me look like I cannot manage my life. This is total mind control for the purpose of misery, and slow torturous death.

If I am to commit suicide today, all has been arranged by these gang stalking organizers so that I will look like someone with severe psychological problems. For instance, I have overdrafted two accounts, and am harassed with psychological and electronic methods everyday. I am unable to organize myself due to this. I have a pending disorderly conduct charge, that is either based on false information, or misunderstanding, as I was simply picked up while simply standing on the street near a group that was arrested.

·Torture in Mind Control and Gang Stalking

The United State is, for all practical purposes, a military/intelligence police state. This reality is hidden behind a facade of representative government and media psyops and lies. The evil empire had an evil twin. Citizens can be selected at random for horrible experimentation and abuse. Those who seriously challenge the corrupt system face covert harassment and abuse. Collaborators, apologists, and profiteers. Our elected representatives have no real power at all over the military/intelligence complex in the United States. They are generally bought and paid for by groups interested only in making ever more money, in any way possible.There still are many decent people in the United States. At least that is what little faith I have left in America. The stated principles of this country still stand strong, even as they are ignored. Allen Baker essays pt.II Resisting Mind Control from Xiandos information

Criminal State of Mind Control and Gang Stalking

As a victim of covert harassment, something otherwise known as gang stalking, I have concluded that the operations against me are part of a larger program, one that I only recently have begun to see and understand. The larger program is something that involves US military intelligence, the NSA, as well as organized crime. It involves the use of Direct Energy Weapons and it can include the use covert chemicals that act in negative ways on the human brain. Overall, it contains a very complex web of actors, one that branch into areas of criminal organizations, weapons contractors, and perhaps entails people with direct or close ties to the Pentagon. We are not looking at actions that are directed at national security. We are looking at actions that use “the advancement of technologies and methods” of covert national security operations to legitimate riping from people their human rights, extinguishing their constitutional liberties, and making them non-consensual experimental test targets This activity rape the minds of targets on a daily basis, while using some very advanced technologies that wrecking their lives in a most brutal fashion imaginable, without notice.

Direct Energy Weapons are being used to alter the moods and mental states of victims of mind control. If you read the article Heritage Foundation information on Direct Energy Weapons (see wikipedia definition on Direct Energy Weapons) about devices being used to protect public buildings, nuclear power plants, and major infrastructures within the US, and then you read accounts and research reports on how these energy weapons are being directed at innocent people in the United States, you will begin to question the US Patriot Act, an act that is responsible for broadening the use of these technologies. You will also question the true status of civil rights and consitutional rights in America today. Having one’s mind altered, and one’s privacy extinguished through the most invasive type of surveillance are acts that evaporate one’s human rights, one hundred percent. Though, keep in mind that Direct Energy Weapons are only part of the story concerning Gang Stalking, mind control and non-consensual human experimentation.

Torture Techniques

What makes these crimes and tortures so heinous is that many of the techniques are rooted in some very grotesque (sick) psychological tactics that are based on some very sick sexual content, that would only come from a very sick mind, though not all of the tactics involve this. They condition the victims in a never ending flow of psychological terror. Couple the psychic terror with mental assaults aimed at weakening the victim’s mind through DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS, or covertly administered chemicals, and you get some extreemly cruel psychological torture, that is protracted. Through the aspect that I have just stated, sick and groteque psychological terror using sexually implicit or explicit themes, covert harassment begins to gain a similarity to the reports of torture in Iraq at Abu Graib Prison, where technique to harass and torture victims psychologically took on sexual themes, both implicitly and explicitly, as they aimed to dehumanize the prisoners with what the prisoners saw, either culturally or persoanally, as disgusting, disturbing, or revolting.

The rapist pigs [mind control perpetrators] try to turn this against the human beings they torture. Sex is also a natural process, as is farting, masturbation, defecation, burping, spats with people, fantasy, and so forth. The rapist torturers try to turn this against their victims. They constantly attempt to demean their victims. Worrying and anxiety are also normal human emotions. The torturers, though, try to turn all of these human properties against their victims. -Allen Baker http://xiandos.info/Part_III:_Mental_Firewalls

The Terror of Psychological Torture in Gang Stalking and Mind Control

see: Anatomy of Campaigns in Gang Stalking/Mind Control

Mind Control

The satellites are not available to law enforcement agencies. Instead they protect illegal operators (like drug traders and corporate criminals) who in fact spy on law enforcers, lobbyists etc. They also facilitate remote, non-consensual human experimentation by the US military, the CIA and so on. In fact when asked who was centrally responsible - the military, defence contractors, the agencies, the media, or the mafia - one senior AFP executive replied: “Well, they all have access don’t they”. from Surveillance Issues
Thus there are several categories of mind control operations, for example covert druggings, hypnosis and trauma conditioning, one-shot EM-type brain blasting, short-term mind f*cks, and ongoing feedback control setups for long-term torture and exploitation of victims, to mention a few. What they have in common is the attack against the mind of the victim, as well as the deniable and denied nature of the attack.

Resisting the Mind Control State

After a year of being conscious of my position as a target for covert psychological operations against civilians, I better understand why I have never appreciated USA Today (see article usa today mind control) . The paper is part of what some call the facade of what many see as America the beautiful, with much of the media hiding atrocities committed by our government, while focusing on the more sensational news to distact our minds , and dilute our perceptions of reality. One should not be steeped in specialized journals that fight for accuracy in reporting all of the time, but mainstream print tends to dull, or quench to use a better word, rather then excite ones mental appitite. It gives you some news, something to talk about, informs as well, but leave much out. Free press in America is a deception, as media wizards and corpriate ownership guide public opinion in subtle ways, and under the vast entertainment and media market is a network that serves established status quos. Overt visible control of the media does not exist in America, but, for example, newspapers will arrange articles in certain ways to guide the readers thoughts and and inevitably establish public opinion, though the issues of media control are much wider then this example and connect to some pretty power entities in Hollywood and corperate America.

The public are bribed with good radio, television and newspapers into an acceptance of the biased, the misleading, and the status quo. media are not……..crude agents of propaganda. They organise public understanding….the overall interpretations they provide in the long run are those which are most preferred by, and least challenging to, those with economic power.

Mass Media and Agenda Setting Wikipedia

A case in point of the more outright control of the media, hidden behind stealth maneuvers of the government/military intellignece aimed at corperate media, as well as independent media, are the topics of government mind control experimentations using unwitting citizens, as well as the gang stalking phenomena. ’No one talks about gang stalking and electronic harrassment in the news, ecspecially with the high tech methods involved, but let me say this much, it could happen to you or one of your loved ones.’ -Mark Glaser MediaShift . There are two reasons for this, 1. journalists or reporters who have taken initiatives to report such atrocities have been threatened by, or become targets of gang stalking organizations 2. the media, from hollywood, the New York Times, cable companies, to your local NPR affiliate, are used in the campaigns of gang stalking and covert harassment. This should not be any surprise, for if the campaigns are able to manipualte and use psychiatric hospitals and your local police force, why would they not be able to exercise the same control over any media entity? The use of vehilces to stalk to the actual coordination of programming are both manifestations of this co-opting of media by gang stalking campaigns.

“Groups have contacts in the media which they use to disseminate information about their targets. IT IS NOT UNUSUAL TO SEE THE VEHICLES OF LOCAL TELEVISION STATIONS RIDING IN EXTREMIST CONVOYS.” Terrorist Gang Stalking in America, book review

Although government and media are TOTALLY SILENT on
this issue - make no mistake about it, this is one of
the ways being vigorously pursued to destroy what we
are accustomed to calling “civilized society,” as well
stated by anti gang stalking activist Norma Lawrence.

Gang Stalking Overview by Elenor White

There are some very real horrors going on in America involving innocent people who are being pushed to suicide, institutionalization, or psychologically raped to the point they commit violent acts. These stories and horrors do contcern mind control technology unlike what is reported in USA Today, that is in use, and has been for some time. It is real, and it is purposely put out of the publics view, and the media is co-opted to achieve the stealth nature of these activities, or government crimes, reporting is deception in this regards, in that what really exists and is in use on a technological side of things, is not reported, and instead the print media purposely reports such technology as being science fiction.

What is hidden

….. the victim is under constant surveillance. The victim is harassed overtly and covertly, on the street, on internet, etc. All forms of taunting and goading tend to occur…. They have been slandered, blackmailed, and threatened. They have had their minds repeatedly violated and often their bodies as well. Baker Xiandos

Besides usurpations there is a larger class of abuses which include corruption and violations of constitutional statutes. It becomes a matter of special concern to citizens when officials conspire with one another to not enforce the law against such corruption, and use the resources of government and the powers of their offices to cover up such crimes or otherwise protect the perpetrators, whether such crimes are committed by officials themselves or by powerful persons who are allowed to become a privileged class that is above the law. When officials fail to enforce the law, citizens must step in and take action to see that the laws are enforced, and replace those officials with others who will do their constitutional duty.

-Abuses and Usurpations a revealing link

The dynamics of the tragic horrors that have befallen victims go well beyond what one reads in the definitions of gang stalking, and I am certain that this is true of most victims of US state sponsored terror. I have had my mind molested and raped (covert psychological torture), in months of unneeded psychatric treatment, while at the same time being driven into months of recovery treatment for the sole purpose of terror and covert harassment, totally unneeded and designed to trash my character, destroy my self-esteem, and rid me the gains that I had achieved in mastering a foreign language, achieving an MA, and having an a unique understanding of the subject of my study. All this took place in one year, but as I have gained an understanding of all that has happened to me, and have begun to noticed the presence of this covert operation in my life for many years, long before I recognized it, I can now conclude that I am a target for the practice of covert non-conventional assasination, ways to kill someone slowly, torturously, with the end result of institutionalization, induced violent acts, or induced suicide. Certain aspects of the campaign lead me to believe this, as I feel much of gang stalking and covert harassment, regarding targets other then myself, is about creative covert (slow) murder. Victims like myself and others are experiemental targets for operatives to exercise the lasted psychological tactics in conjunction with Direct Energy Weapons and covert chemical assaults, that incrementally act on the mind. They brush their skills in manipulating people, family members of the victims, psychiatric hospitals and more. It is an industry based in military intelligence and has many facets that include ties to organized crime, It is an enterprise that seeks to advance its program, technology, and its influence over communities and society in general.

May I refer you to a quote from a passage concerning British Mind Control Activity, called The Brithish Mind Control Agent. This article highlights some of the professional ideology and values found within the industry of intelligence related to mind control practices on the civilian population. I have read this entire article, and what one can glean from it does pertain to gang stalking in the US/Canada. The moral tidbits are in the latter half of the article and I quote a portion of them below.

Field agents must find an effective way to induce and nurture the behaviour that the consultants wish to observe in the victim. This means attempting to control the environment and anything else that may influence the victim’s behaviour. Harassment revolves around the victim’s lifestyle and identity, which may be split into two major areas of activity….[application directed at] Induced personality disorders…the use of electromagnetic waves to influence the human brain..Sleep deprivation…


The right to privacy grants citizens to live in domestic domicile without interference from the government. Citizens may develop close relationships with whom they wish whether they be social or sexual. The right to undress and bathe oneself in a dignified fashion goes without debate.Humans are private creatures and in their element when they have unlimited control of their environment. They may control who enters their house, may divulge information about themselves in private conversation, and dictate what they wear and eat. The privately owned house and the goings-on which occur within it give the individual an impression of territory, ownership and power.Brains enable humans to be independent thinkers; to thrive on the freedoms and opportunities free thought provides. The right to personal autonomy, to develop personal interests, dictate direction and seek stimulus are major components of a healthy, balanced mental state.M[ind] C[ontrollers]s work hard to challenge the longstanding assertion that a man’s home environment is sacred ground, that his physical body and psyche are inviolable, and that any proposed manipulation or violation is an unholy adventure. They believe the following:

It is dangerous for humans to have freedom of thought, as it isn’t always in check with government idealism.Humans shouldn’t have a right to privacy if it distorts truth. Who knows what information the average human is concealing? Agents want to live and breathe (in real time) the target’s domesticated lifestyle to ultimately investigate and understand it. They have so many questions regarding human behaviour and must violate human privacy to make way for their research team of prying eyes and surveillance equipment. Only by accomplishing this will they learn how a human personality is formed and understand the intimacy of relationships.Unfortunately for the victim, betraying every private thought and intimate moment with government agents is highly likely to traumatise him to the point of severe depression and humiliation and, in an extreme scenario, provoke suicidal thoughts.Victimization

Mind control is a form of brain rape (mental rape) and torture; whether the affliction is caused by……….
drug administration
electromagnetic stimulation
brainwashing or the nurture of personality disorders
the end result remains the same. The target is forced to endure continued harassments. I[mplant]S[pecialist] mind control, in particular, is likened to slavery because the target’s brain and mind are tapped for research against his will. He is helpless to prevent the intrusion and resist the brain’s physical and mental reaction to electrode stimulation.
FROM The Brithish Mind Control Agent

the target, government mind control and gang stalking

Targets of Gang Stalking and Mind Control will be manipulated through drug assaults, direct energy weapons, intense psychological harassment.

Supercomputers in Maryland, Israel and elsewhere with a speed of over
20 BILLION bits/sec can monitor millions of people simultaneously. Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD

The exercises are serious psychological and physical tortures, ongoing, as well as mental rape and character rape. The attacks with covert chemicals, and EMF direct energy weapons have will cause a diminished psychological stability. Torture will be continual for years, daily, and sometimes with very sick psychological harassment.

Your life has changed drastically. You will never look at people, or the American flag the same way again - If you are targeted

You are directly experiencing a result of the primitive, unresolved collective-insanity, that you have heard of other historical figures running into. By now you have probably concluded that this is the same entity that has killed people who have recognized & resisted it throughout history. Its name changes from place to place, & from time to time. It expresses itself in different ways. But it is always the same; it is large & powerful & has the minds of most people. You are face to face with it in the form of Organized Stalking. It has focused its attention on you & it will not stop.


Recent days I have been familiarizing myself with electronic harassment, and direct energy weapons, and have found Xiandos a very good resource that approaches the topics of government covert harassment very well, while touching on the broader issues of that are effecting our our nation and the world. After a year of being targeted with chemical perpetrations, and psychological violence, I am now certain that electronic harassment has been used, and today it is what I experience everyday.

Microwave Weapons and Covert Government Harassment Used on Many Average Americans The reality facing the public and targetted individuals regarding direct energy weapons.

Other articles:

What Chemtrails Really Are How they are used for mind control and non-lethal weapon attacks
Torture By Satellite
Controlled America
Targets suffer tremendously, and people who have not had such experiences could never know the torturous plight that these targets like myself experience. It is easy for someone, especially males, to blame a victim of sexual rape, and little or no empathy for what a rape victim has gone through and must deals with in the aftermath. This is the same with gang stalking and psychological torture. There is an entire campaign that crafts deception and aims to legitimate the campaign, discredit the accounts of victims, and in the end blame the victim. It is slow torturous murder, using lies to isolate the target so that the heinous torture can be done. Many people around the target (victim) only know half or a small part of what the victim is experiencing. They do not realize that the victim is in a continual psychological terror orchestration where ever s/he goes. Most people are deceived by the organizers. See Results of Organized Vigilante Stalking and Mobbing for further reading in this area.

The Patent Office of the U.S.A. has granted patents for purposes of
mental monitoring and mind alteration.

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brainwaves,
methods for inducing mental, emotional and physical states of conscious-
ness, in human beings. Method of and apparatus for desired states of
consciousness are among some of them. - Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD

The tenacity and obession that the perpetrators and organizers of campaigns organized psychological terror and covert harassment represent is disturbing to say the least, and the very fact that these people and their organizations are able to neutralize the legal system in regards to targets should lead anyone to conclude that we are witnessing a truly hidden evil, as Mark Rich has defined it, within the fabric of our constitutional government and society.

In regards to these attacks, we can research into the neighborhood policing, how police and firefighters are used, connections to secret societies or organized crime that these camapigns may have, or the structure of these organizations and how they hijack entire communities. We can compare these campaigns to the campaigns of terror that were exercised by the Stasi in East Germany in the last half of last century, or the Nazis, but I am certain that this, gang stalking and mind control, is something that:

represents an intrinsic element that has evolved over the decades to become an amalgam of military specialists, intelligence agencies, technological researchers in non-lethal direct energy weapons
with sadistic and sociopathic characters anchoring themselves within these structures.
We are not looking at vigelante justice, we are looking at experimentations and RESEARCH regarding :

PSYOPS psychological warfare
psychological harassment techniques, alternative assasination techniques, and mind control.
AND a practices in sadistim, as the victims suffer incredibly, and the watchers (organizers) continue to find better ways to carry the torture on.
We are looking at a structure that is based partly on satiating the a sick and sadistic appitite in people who have corrupt notions of power and control, attracting those with the same, or similar chararcters as serial rapists and pedophiles, wife beaters, and sadistic sociaopathic. I can say with honesty that many victims are practice tools for such a structure, with manipulations throughout much of there lives before the outright attack. Protracted nightly noise harassment may followed the target for years and this will be aimed at disrupting the quality of life for the target, bringing them emotional stablility, while tweaking their psychology for disruption.

See case studies

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hidden atrocities in the US
April 9th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Hidden Atrocities US

gang stalking, mind control & non-lethal weapons

There are two components of this type of covert criminal activity, psychological harassment; and mind control technology using EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) microwave technology, ultra-sound, synthetic (artificial) telepathy, all techniques that have come to be known as Non-Lethal Weapons, which have been under research for a very long time, and have been used by government covert agents, and gang stalkers in the US and other countries for some time. Covert chemicals are also used against targets. The pervasive psychological tactics of gang stalking campaigns along with EMF non-lethal microwave weapon beams, pharmachological manipulations of medications, chemically corrupted items of consumption and covert chemical fumes and gasses, make the campaigns of these criminal activities deadly, though in a slow and torturous fashion. They aim to induce suicide and or violent acts directed at others.

Daily for more then a year my moods, behaviors, and psychology have all been manipulated by cleaver psychological harassment, some of which are staged for the purpose for me to react with disorientation or loss of composure, which the perpetrators then use as evidence to support the heinous slander thatis the foundation of most mind control covert harassment campaigns. Recently I can say with all honesty that in the past several months I have mantained an apartment in a city in the Southern Tier of New York State just so they could do staged psychological harassments with the goal to have me react so to support their slander. I have also had substances put in my alcoholic drinks when out in a bar, once a week, and these always create a stupidity in me so that harassers can do their tricks. This would not always occure, but the ebb and flow of the harassment is a game for them, whcih makes the target feel like ‘things are letting up’.

In addition to electronic MC, chemical methods have also been developed.
Mind-altering drugs and different smelling gasses affecting brain function negatively can be injected into air ducts or water pipes…..

- Microchip Mind Control, Implants, and Cybernetics

Gang stalking is mind control, and it is a mentally and emotionally destructive torture. It is experimnetation using innocent unwitting citizens. It is destructive for society in general, as it has been stated by many people, professionals, who have researched this topic that the campaigns seek to cause the targeted person to commit violent acts, even against others. Regarding this fact I recommend reading the following link that explains this very well: The Objectives of State-Sponsored Terror Campaigns. Using psychological tactics that draw on careful psychological profiles of targets that map out a victim’s psychological, emotional, social make up, while aquire a very detailed personal history, these campaigns drive people literally nuts, breaking them emotionally, isolating them in a pervasive web that included everyone and anyone, from family and friends to co-workers, shopkeepers, the entire community. This is serious business, and need I add that if one gets a rational understanding of some of the technologies used,ie: synthetic telepathy, EMF microwave attacks, one can see that these operations are not only destructive to the individual targeted, they are destructive sadistic practices that use communities as playgrounds. They make their game one of controlling and manipulating entire communities in efforts to bring extreem psychological and physical pain to individuals.

The link below goves one a very good understanding of what is being used in regards to electronic harassment weapons in communities today. The link below can also be found on indymedia Miami: http://miami.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/1347.php

Having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves. Behavioural reinforcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was found that the effect of the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinforcement. Intelligence community personnel destroy the target’s property, ruin their financial affairs spread vicious rumour, make sexual peccadilloes public
knowledge ….

. Mind Control In The UK by Tim Rifat BSc BEd.

What I gather from the above is that the same elements of government sponsored covert destruction of an individual lives are the the same that one finds in gang stalking, leaving me to conclude that gang stalking, no matter if one believes it is some revenge service, work related harassment, or paybacks to whistleblowers of major corperations, is government sponsored, and utilized by the government for experimentation, research into PSYOPS, mind control, and psychological torture.

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Torture Through Covert Means
April 9th, 2007 · No Comments

I have decided to conceal my experience as a mind control and gang stalking victim. Repeating this narrative, reorganizing it, redisplaying it does nothing then continue the agony of soul, and anchor ones mind to a psychology of victimization. It can consume all that one is.

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Gang Stalking East And West Coast
April 9th, 2007 · No Comments

“Gang Stalking is all up and down the East Coast. It has spread nationwide to most towns. Millions of people are involved in this heartless crime on innocent people. No decent person with any sense of morals would work in this secretive group doing everything imaginable to stalk, terrorize, maim, poison, and even kill others. Its all about money and making a power grab behind the backs and in front of the noses of good citizens.Countless citizens and other corrupt people are involved, including many fire department and law enforcement personnel, and even government officials, along with thugs, crime syndicates, corporate employees, merchants and their employees, your neighbors, some of your friends, etc. It seems totally bizarre and unbelievable what they are doing. A good website for info is gangstalking.ca .
Mostly, only targets know what is they are doing. That’s because their members blend in well with others, and seem to be “normal”.

They are well organized and rely heavily on computers and cell phones to provide seamless patrols and blanket coverage on virtually every single road, 24 hours a day. They use this to do their organized crimes. They use moving vehicular surveillance and foot surveillance to track “targets” 24 hours a day, for many years without ceasing until the person is bogusly declared insane by participating doctors and lawyers. The goal is to tear down the person’s life and isolate them so they are easy to get rid of with no one to help them. Lots of the members love to hurt people.

Apparently, everyone gets paid well from the deep pockets of the illicit drug industry, corporate coffers, and our tax dollars as it is state sponsored terrorism . People from every age, description, and vocations have joined. Families start training their young ones in foot surveillance tactics as young as four years old.

These people and their leaders are taking away every ones freedoms, and seek to control employment opportunities by infiltrating all work environments and then get into a position of authority to hire and fire. The goal is power, money, status, and getting rid of honest people like true Christians so that our young people will be easily corrupted with no role models with higher standards. The leaders want to become like God’s and decide how and if a person will live, along with every other aspect of their life…even if one can get mechanics for their vehicles who aren’t in on this destructive plot who willingly door a poor job on the vehicle, even not performing the services that are paid for…like rotatinfg ones tires. Sabbatoge of a person’s assets is not uncommon.Undesirable people, like people they feel are not healthy and productive, or not liked because they have higher values and respect others, are sought out as targets. Any one who is not in their criminal group and doesn’t show any willingness to do this criminal behavior is an enemy.

It is very common that none of the people are under the influence of any convictions about “God”, or what is right or wrong. The love of money and power to control and dominate other people is winning these members over. Some of the members are church going people…..so there is no one that they have not been able to corrupt. Its been said that sometimes people are told lies about the person so that this breeds hate and an excuse to stalk and harass the person.

This organization, in the USA, and in other countries like UK and Canada, is growing at an exponential rate. I have wondered if this is not the criminal societies answer for “homeland security” in light of outside terrorist threats.

The most striking thing I could say besides they are in the business of killing people, is that they seek to be able to do crimes with impunity. Interestingly, they don’t spend a lot of extra time doing this “other” job as everything concerning the surveillance is combined with their regular routines of commuting to and from work, working, traveling, leisuer time, etc. How easy are these people getting away with this? It seems to be like “taking candy from a baby.” This is because nothing is being done to stop these people. Most people donk’t even know its going on.

Does anybody care about what is happening to our freedoms, and our country????? Right now, whether people know it or not, they are fastly becoming prisoners in their own country. Many people are decieved and wouldn’t think they should be worried about this. That is simply untrue.

Its a shame that targeted people who describe the many bizzare tactics that are being done are not believed as rational, or likely to be possible.”

-Gang Stalking
by CanaryBird, From Gang Stalking San Fran. indymedia

This article above I had given links to on many of my wordpress blogs, when I used a pseudonym. The page form this indynews has been wrecked, and that is unfortunate as it is a very good description concerning gang stalking.

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gang stalking
April 9th, 2007 · No Comments

defining some of the foundational elements of gang stalking

The crimes committed through gang stalking an individual are covertly done, hence little or no in evidence is left behind of the crime, and the target is left with little in the way of resourses to defend himself or herself.

Isolation, through disrupting socio-familial ties in an intense slandering campaign, is usually achieved once the actual stalking begins. A pervasive slandering campaign takes place, the target as an unstable individual, child molester, a person with hidden dark secrets, or a person prone to psychopathic behavior.

The criminals planning a gang stalking endeavor study the target long before the stalking begins. Psychological profiling is done, and this is to assist in the overall campaign that includes intense psychological harassments and demoralizations.Tactics used go well beyond fear, demoralization and psychological harassment. The tactics used have been the portocal in campaigns against common people implemented by the KGB in Soviet Russia, Nazis of Nazi Germany, and the KKK in the early to middle of last century in America..

The accumulation of all the tactics and events in this dangerously hurtful organized crime against an innocent human being can led to trama and will emotionally bankrupt the targeted individual, and may lead to death ,as suicide is often induced through the assaults.The perpetrators of gang stalking are serious criminals who do great damage, and the acts done are very serious crimes by any measure.Gang stalking is a highly criminal campaign, one directed at a target individual, and one that aims to destroy an innocent persons life through covert harassments, malicious slander and carefully crafted and executed psychological assualts.

Gang stalking deprives the targeted individual of their basic constitutional rights and destroys their freedom, setting a stage for the destruction of a person, socially, mental and physical, through a ceaseless assault that pervades all areas of a persons life. What drives such campaigns may be revenge for whistleblowing, or for highly critical individuals, as outspoken people have become targets. Other reasons why a person may become a target individual for stalking: ex-spouse revenge, criminal hate campaigns, politics, racism.

Gang stalking may be part of a larger phenomena that may have loose threads that extent into a number of differing entities, such as government, military, and large corperations, though it is certain that organized crime is one of gang stalking’s primary sources, or origins.

The goals of gang stalking are many. To cause the target to appear unstable mentally is one, and this is achieved through a carefully detailed assault using advanced psychological harassment techniques, and a variety of other tactics that are the usual protocal for gang stalking, such as street theater, mobbing, pervasive petty disrespecting.

Targets experience the following:1. A total invasion of privacy 2. Pervasive and horrific slander 3. Isolation, partly through alientation that is caused by the slander 4.Destruction of, or alientation from all things that the target holds dear.

A discrediting campaign is initiated long before the target is actually stalked. They, the criminal perpetrators, twist and fabricate reality through such a campaign, displaying lies that paint the target as a child molester, a person with hidden dark secrets, an highly unstable individual who may be a threat to society, a prostitute, or a longtime drug user, etc.

The slandering or discrediting campaign sets the stage for the target to become alientated in just about every social-familial- work environment, once the actual stalking begins. This slandering campaign is instrumental in eliminating all resource and avenue of defense for the target, before the actual stalking begins.

This stage is one that sees people close to the target, family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers recruited by the perpetrator criminals, who will pose as law enforcement officials, private investigators, or a groups of concerned citizens.

The gang stalking is aimed at achieving one or all of the follow: 1. induced suicide 2. financial devistation 3. homelessness 4. institutionalization in psyche wards.

Once actual stalking begins:The target will endure a vast array of tactics: gaslighting, street theater, druggings, gasssings, scent harassment, mobbings, subtle but frequent destruction of property, killing of pets

Psychological profiling will be done so as to initiate an intense psychological harassment assault. Staged happenings and planned or directed conversations will take place around the target in public or places of work, and serves not only to undermine the targets psychology, but also may be used to cause the target to thinking that he or she is under investigation for horrific crimes.

Stalkers will have studied the target to such a level that they know and can predict the persons behavior. Again, often the target will think that they are being investigated for crimes that would be absurd for the target to have actually commited. Not knowing what actually is happening, the target is isolated and lives through a never ending living nightmare.

Once the target finds out that they are a target individual for gang stalking, or multi stalking, they may have some relief, but from what I have read, the stalking simply changes dimentions a bit, and continues.

Identifying the exact people who initiated gang stalking campaigns is difficult, or near impossible, and this makes it very difficult for people researching this phenomena to discover, in certainty, the roots and geneology of the crime. Investigation of a gang stalking crime would require a great deal of resouces, and an intensity similar to murder investgations.

Perpetrators of gang stalking are serious criminals and gang stalking is a serious crime by any measure.


Freedom From Covert Harassment
Cathy O’Brian’s TranceForm. America
Government Mind Control
What is Mind Control
Objectives of State Terror by Mark Rich
Tactics of State Terror by Mark Rich
Structure of State Terror Groups by mark rich
State Sponsored Terrorism on citizens
Elenor white’ Raven1 Multistalking Support
American State Terrorism
Covert Criminal Gang Stalking Explained
Illuminati Formula

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Mind Control Technology in Covert Harassment
April 9th, 2007 · No Comments

Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to influence brain function. Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useful as the carrier for the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number of microwave antennae that dot the country, some of which are used for the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use for a strategic mind control device against the civilian population in times of trouble, or rioting, crucial to modifying the behaviour of the general population -Tim Rifat http://miami.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/1347.php and http://www.whale.to/b/rifat.html

“These electronic “skull-zappers” are designed to invade the mind and short-circuit its synapses — the tiny electric impulses that control our behavior,” - Dr. Emery Horvath, a prof. physics, Harvard University.

”In the hands of government technicians, it may be used to disorient entire crowds, or to manipulate individuals into self-destructive acts. It’s a terrifying weapon.” “It is quite true that the government has no right to shoot or incinerate citizens resisting bureaucratic abuses of power, “But the use of mind altering electronic emissions may be even worse.” “It’s use does not just violate the law…. It effectively annuls every protection the Constitution provides for your people.” - Professor Arno Roche, Columbia University (see this link : Pres. candidates, learn from Clinton’s mistakes please )

Microwave Mind Control, Modern Torture and Control Mechanism by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MDms . Information on government covert operations on unwitting citizens by a former official from Finland.
NEW Gang Stalking Page: NWO, Firemen, Involved overview on gang stalking, description giving clues to how these campaigns in execution and death sentenceing comes to involve entire communities, reflecting Nazi Germany, and Stasi era of police state.
NSA Brainwashing, Psychological Torture, US Gavernment Sponsored Terror
Some of own writing on the topic.
The Hidden Evil a website that offers information derived from research and study on the topic of what Mark Rich, site author calls Organized Vigilante Stalking, or State Sponsred Terror Campaigns

“There is a huge effort to suppress any and all information regarding the United States government sponsored experimentation on human subjects for the purpose of mind control and ultimately assassination. Early US efforts at developing the methods of mind control date back to the 1950’s project Monarch and the infamous Project MK-Ultra (The MK, in spy-speak sophistry, stands for Mind Control)” from US Government Mind Control

Today, the CIA, DIA (etc) use satellites and ground - based equipment to deliver verbal threats, deafening noise and propaganda; using neurophone technology. Anything from TV’s/radio’s appearing to operate when switched off through to “Voices from God” and encounters with “telepathic” aliens are all cons using neurophone technologies to torment, deceive and (most importantly) discredit agency/criminal targets. Naturally, the system can mimic anyone’s voice and automatic computer translations (into any language) are incorporated. -http://www.surveillanceissues.com/

There is no longer any doubt that the FBI and NSA are using satellites and remote neural monitoring technology to quite literally invade the privacy of millions of Americans, and in the most egregious ways possible. They will deny this, but I know for a fact that it is true, and so do numerous others who’ve had to learn about this the hard way.
And any person who attempts to conceal this information is guilty of perpetrating high crimes of treason against the American people!
- http://9-11themotherofallblackoperations.blogspot.com/


Aerial Mind Control from Elenor White’s raven1
Allen Baker on Resisting the Mind Control State on Xiandos
Allen Watt Cutting Through The Matrix
ChemTrails in Relation to Microwave weapons & Mind control
Direct Energy Weapons Xiando
Electromagnetic Weapons , Xiandos info
Michael Howard Overlin ‘How I became an involuntary experiment
Mind Control theories and practice
New Jersey’s WFMU happy listeners guide to mind control
New York State Stalking Laws
raven1 menu Major Governemnt Crimes
Torrent Channel 911 issues
Torture By Satellite
US Mind Control
Controlled America is trying to educate the citizens of the United States and the World about a Nonconsensual Electronic Experimentation Program being conducted by the heads of many Governments including the U.S. Government….The isolation [of the victim/target] is needed to have access to the person to conduct many of the experiments on them. All privacy and constitutional rights are thus stripped away. Controlled American

….[these technologies]… do not just violate one or two of what everyone knows are fundamental human rights: In one fell swoop they violate almost every fundamental human right a person has.

Allen Baker Resisting the Mind Control State also see: Mental Firewalls and Motives For Mind Control

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1 comment:

MOZAIK said...

My name is laurent Boer (laurentfreetheSS@hmamail.com), and I have been harrassed and manipulated by an unknown hidden cult organization
They drugged me insidiously, hypnotized me, they programmed my mind with hypnosis and several different kind of drugs, and they didn’t hesitated to do many illegal things including:
- Under hypnosis, mental conditioning to make me feel terror to talk about them and what they do
- use some addiction drugs to enforce the power of the hypnotizer on me
- At work, air spray some kind of GHB drugs to train me to work harder
- Under hypnosis, format my personality to fit their needs
- Follow me in shops and coffee places to make me feel paranoid, harassed and under their control
- Under hypnosys make me watch horror and homo movies every day under addictive drugs to get addicted to this
- Installed software on my computer so they can remotely send subliminal trigger images
- Under hypnosis make me hear for hours daily their speech teaching me that what they do to me is great and usefull

How to get rid of this kind of secured powerfull worldwide organizations?

Best Regards,