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The We the People will not be Chipped - No Verichip Inside Movement, is based on the irrefutable fact, that mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under you skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that
We The People Will Not Be Chipped!
Radio Interviews ? We can discuss human inventorying, biometrics, GIG, RFID, fMRI, Military Industrial Complex , Internet Censorship , Electronic Health Records , Internet Of Things, Augmented Reality , AmI, M2M , H+ , Hive Mind , Transhumanism with your listeners ? Email radio@wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com
When Verichip micro-chipped the Alzheimer patients I remained silent I was not an Alzheimer patient
When Verichip micro-chipped the Diabetic and AIDS patients I remained silent; I was not an AIDS patient nor a Diabetic
When Verichip micro-chipped the Military I did not speak out; I was not in the Military
When Verichip came for the activists I remained silent; I was not an Activist
When they came to microchip me , there was no one left to speak out
“Indeed, almost anything—any PERSON , any object, any process or any service, for any organization, large or small—can become digitally aware and networked”
IBM CEO Sam Palmisano to the Council of Foreign Relations
One Mainframe To Rule Them All-IBM and Verichip- The Human Microchipping Agenda
· Greg on October 14 2009 15:34:52
Obama Declares War On Pakistan
The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan is merely a pretext, a cover story designed to provide the United States with a springboard for a geopolitical destabilization campaign in the entire region which cannot be publicly avowed
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:44:07· Read More ·
Google Buying Twitter Rumor Resurfaces, Sadly
I can understand why Google would want Twitter. That glut of social microblogging data would give Google something it sorely lacks: a comprehensive social network that is pushing Facebook, if not in user numbers in cultural social computing relevance. Two things on my mind here. First, I surely hope Google does not buy Twitter. Second, Google has proven it doesn't need to.
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:41:08· Read More ·
The Internet of Things - What an opportunity!
Smart Data Collective (blog) -
Lately, I’ve seen a surge of new offers for real applications that use sensor data to deliver a valued service. This has me thinking about how data warehouses are primarily oriented towards the transactions of people – phone calls, grocery purchases, web browsing… all of this relates to people and their daily actions.
Going on around us, almost invisibly, is another world, the world of “things.” Things like cars, washing machines, heat pumps… Today there are very few “things” that do not have some type of sensor that generates data. Sensors can measure temperate, motion, location, light, acceleration, current, radiation, flows, biometrics e.g., heart rate or pulse, oxygen levels, RFID, etc. Today many of our “things” are in fact internet enabled or can be.
Hence the term “Internet of Things”.
The Internet has enabled communications between people and Things very well. What’s missing? Well, how do we address the data of Things and analyze it in a valuable, meaningful way? How do we correlate the data output from Things and relate that to customers/people? It is possible and I will share two examples that I think show the potential of using a data warehouse to analyse and understand Things!
First off my current favorite – Fedex SensorAware.
This is a device that measures location (via GPS), acceleration, temperature and light and can transmit this data over a mobile data network from “inside” your package. This enables tracking of your package and monitoring of what can be important environmental variables. You don’t want frozen food to thaw, or a disk drive to be dropped
And the London Oyster card.
Likely the world’s largest and most successful RFID card implementation with over 10 million cards in circulation. Used for something like 5 Million trips per day in the greater London area. It has largely replaced cash ticket purchases.
This card is a “prepaid” train and bus ticket. It can be topped up at kiosks or online. For the big brother worriers, today you don’t need to register your name and can use it anonymously. However. if you do register you can view all your trips, top-up on-line and freeze your card if you loose it and get a new one with the remaining balance.
The data from Oyster can be used for transport and route planning.
There are many more examples out there in use today. Data from Things is an opportunity to differentiate data warehousing solutions and include new data sources to deliver better business outcomes for all.
The sensor data can be very usefully analysed by statistical analysis tools to provide previously unknown insights, correlations and relationships.
So I suggest you do have a good think about the Things out there, which can be a valuable data source, as well as the customer transactions when building a data warehouse. You may well be surprised!
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:37:38
Home Office to unveil first CCTV regulator to take control of Britain's army ...
Telegraph.co.uk -
New standards for the use of CCTV images, as well as new guidance to ensure that police useCCTV images more ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:35:14· Read More ·
Wooly Mammoth DNA Yields Surprising Secret
FOXNews -
DNA evidence indicates that pockets of the beasts survived to as recently as 7600 years ago, rather than the previous end times mark of 12000 years ago. ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:34:30· Read More ·
Google phone set on a collision course with Apple iphone
IBTimes -
London - Google is all set to launch its very own phone as early as 2010, triggering rumours of an imminent clash with Apple's iphone. ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:31:58· Read More ·
Facebook testing tool to push updates onto Twitter
Computerworld -
Computerworld - Facebook and its social networking compatriot Twitter are jointly taking new steps to help users share information. ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:30:09· Read More ·
Sony Playstation network moves into reality TV
Register -
... Home — the PS3's baked-in Second Life-like ungame where users can customize their avatars and wander around a virtual world with other Home users. ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:29:08· Read More ·
Mexico hires Axtel, Unisys to make biometric IDs
TMCnet -
A consortium comprising Axtel and the Mexican subsidiary of US information technology giant Unisys won a contract to create biometric identity cards for ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:20:08· Read More ·
Biometric badges to regulate rickshaws
The Delhi government has told HC that it is contemplating the idea of issuing biometric badges to rickshaw pullers in the capital after being ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:18:04
mcdonald's Is Latest Augmented Reality Convert with "Avatar" Campaign
Promo Magazine - Brian Quinton - 7 hours ago
When these cards are held up to a Web cam, participants can use mcd Vision augmented reality software to interact with the lush jungle landscapes generated ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 09:09:22· Read More ·
'Biometric badges to regulate rickshaws'
Times of India -
NEW DELHI: The Delhi government has told HC that it is contemplating the idea of issuing biometric badges to rickshaw pullers in the capital after being ...
· Greg on December 16 2009 08:54:40
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Optimus Prime Experience
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - The Optimus Prime Experience @ Yahoo! Video
· Greg on December 16 2009 08:52:04
Bing Mobile App Needs to Work for Android, iPhone
Microsoft's latest addition of new features to its search engine, Bing, includes improved functionality for Bing's mobile application. But while users can search by voice, get one-click directions and perform other functions, the application is currently not available for some of the more popular smartphones, including the iPhone and Android-powered devices -- placing it at a disadvantage against the Google Mobile App, which boasts similar functionality and can be downloaded onto a wider range of devices.
· Greg on December 16 2009 08:50:54
Computing with a wave of the hand (w/ Video)
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:17:52
AT&T IPhone Users Irate at Idea of Usage-Based Pricing
PC World -
If US broadband carriers are any indication about the future of the mobile Internet, expect thingslike usage caps and overage charges to make their way to ...
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:15:45· Read More ·
China Tightens Internet Control in the Name of Fighting Porn, Piracy, and Cybercrime
As the year draws to a close, China's blocking of overseas websites—including Facebook, Twitter, and thousands of other websites including my blog—is more extensive and technically more sophisticated than ever. Controls over domestic content have also been tightening. People who work for Chinese Internet companies continue to complain that they remain under heavy pressure to be more thorough about the way in which they police and censor blogging platforms, social networking sites, discussion forums, and any form of user-generated content. As feared, the censorship arms race, which began in the run-up to the anniversary of the June 4th crackdown,intensified after the Xinjiang riots, and ramped up further in the run-up to the October 1st 60th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China passed uneventfully.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:13:11· Read More ·
U.K. Government Mandates Smart Meters
The U.K. government has announced that by 2020 every household will have a smart meter installed to help save energy. This development has been welcomed by consumers who will be able to monitor and control energy expenditure remotely.
Set to roll out throughout the next five years, some are predicting this initiative could revolutionize energy metering. However, with the deadline looming, Malcolm Norman, senior vice president, EMEA, Wyless, www.wyless.com, Uxbridge, U.K., is concerned energy providers may not be able to undertake this task as easily as expected.
“Installing smart meters across the U.K. requires the providers to have a strong M2M (machine-to-machine) communications network. They will need to guarantee a robust and reliable connection with nation-wide coverage, which means using multiple mobile operators in across the U.K.,” says Norman. “They will also need to ensure that they employ the necessary expertise to keep connections secure, such as deploying a fixed IP (Internet protocol) address per device.”
Norman goes on to say, “The energy providers will also require SIM (subscriber identity module) cards to be configured in every device in every home or business. Supplying, configuring, and deploying these SIMs is a time consuming and cost-intensive process. And in these tough times, cost is an important factor, as high costs for the provider can result in higher costs for the consumer. The total cost of ownership of designing, implementing and maintaining a wireless M2M network can be huge.”
The solution—no surprises here—is to partner with a network provider and outsource elements to a company that specializes in M2M connectivity, e.g. Wyless. Benefits include a reduced total cost of ownership, 24/7 technical support, online network management, a single connection covering all mobile operators, and pre-enabled devices that reduce deployment complexity and increase time-to-market.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:11:42
Weaponized RipSaw-MS2 UGV
Most UGV programs are utilizing vehicles that move rather slowly and require relatively complex control, lacking effective 360 degrees situational awareness. Consequently, they can be easily outmaneuvered and disabled by an enemy that could get close or out run the robot. The U.S. Army is evaluating a much larger, powerful, agile and lethal robot developed by the Hawe & Hawe (H&H) company, known as 'RipSaw Military Specification 2', that offers many advantages that minimize such vulnerabilities. The RipSaw-MS2 is being tested as a convoy security
and support vehicle.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:10:47
The Kindle iphone app crosses borders, more than 60 of them
IntoMobile (blog) -
The Kindle e-book reader has become a household name in the fast growing e-book industry, but you don’t have to buy a Kindle to take advantage of Amazon’s massive library. With Kindle’s iPhone app, you can download, read and manage your e-books with your iPhone. And, now that Kindle’s iPhone app is available on the AppStore in more than 60 countries, you don’t even have to live in the US to use your iPhone as a smaller, makeshift Kindle.
The Kindle iPhone app uses Whispersync technology to keep your bookmarks synchronized to your Amazon Kindle account. That means you can start reading a news article on your Kindle, bookmark your spot before leaving for work, and pick up where you left off on your iPhone or PC. Amazon is also working on Kindle for Mac and Kindle for BlackBerry
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:09:14
Total Immersion Puts Augmented Reality At The Forefront Of Entertainment With New Interactive Walk Through Experience
Total Immersion has confirmed its position as leader in the field of augmented reality through the launch of new kind of interactive attraction using mobility and augmented reality. This new attraction developed in cooperation with Hanwa Co. (Japan) is a state of the art walk through where guests are swept in an experience merging videogame and real live adventure.
Before entering in the attraction, guests are equipped with a backpack and a video gun (with an infrared camera, one LCD display and a trigger). Guests have to use the video gun to progress inside the horror house and find ghosts. As soon as the ghost is found, guests have to shoot it to collect point and succeed their mission. Augmented Reality permits to have very impressive scenario like a videogame for this kind of attraction. Guests are totally free of movements inside the ghost house.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:06:01
Microsoft Executive Suggests Google Delisting a No-Go
Comments by a Microsoft executive at last week's Bing conference indicate that much-rumored negotiations between Microsoft and Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. over whether to delist the latter's content from Google could in fact be nonexistent or overplayed. Microsoft seems determined to build Bing's market share through a combination of new features and partnership deals with entities such as Yahoo.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:05:24· Read More ·
A Smart Grid Solution at Copenhagen
TMCnet -
A smart grid is a critical component to reducing carbon. It is easier to make the electrical grid efficient than to make each building and home efficient. ...
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:04:22· Read More ·
Augmented Reality App for Omnia II with OMPASS World Cities
HyongaSoft are a company who create apps for smartphones. They are more commonly known for creating music-based apps, but also have a digital compass application. The digital compass application is now known as OMPASS World Cities and has received a layer of augmented reality that provides details of the city you are walking around including directions and other various details.
The new application makes use of the built in digital compass found on the Omnia II along with GPS and the camera to get your exact location, direction you are facing and what the phone is looking at.
A video demonstration can be found below that shows the application in use. Information on screen shows various distances to nearby towns and cities. More details of the application should be revealed in the next month.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:03:28
Stella Artois joins the iPhone race with Le Bar Guide, augmented reality ...
IntoMobile (blog) -
World famous Belgian beer, Stella Artois, now has its iPhone app. It’s called Le Bar Guide and it’s designed to help beer connoisseurs “locate a perfectly poured Chalice of the world’s best-selling Belgian beer.”
The free application is initially available for the U.S. beer lovers only, but the version which database will include bars outside of the U.S. is in the works as we speak. What’s significant about Le Bar Guide is that it uses the “power of augmented reality” to show where you can grab Stella Artois. Simply start the application and follow arrows on the screen to locate a bar with the famous Belgian beer – it’s that easy, although you’ll be able to use it like that only if you have an iPhone 3GS.
In addition, the application also comes with user-generated content features, allowing rating of bars according to “Le menu,” “Le dance,” “La clientele” and “Le service.” Plus there’s the “Le taxi” feature which helps you find your way back home, if you know what I mean.
Enough said. I like Stella Artois’ approach for providing actually fun experience to its iPhone-ownin’ fans. AppStore link is here.
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:01:47
Little Brother is watching you
Ha'aretz -
The Biometric Database Law that the Knesset passed last week instructs the state to gather physical identification data from all its ...
· Greg on December 15 2009 16:00:37· Read More ·
Biometric data passports operational by April 2010
Peace fm Online -
Ghana in compliance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICA) would introduce the use of readable passports with biometric data ...
· Greg on December 15 2009 15:58:53· Read More ·
BASF targets RFID market with metal-based ink
packagingnews.co.uk -
BASF is targeting its CypoPrint range of metal-based inks at the production of flexible antennas for RFID tags.
Chemical company BASF said the non-conductive inks offered a cost-effective and more eco-friendly alternative to aluminium etching of RFID tags.
The inks can be applied to polyester films using a standard printing process and are then given a conductive metallic coating using an electroplating system, the firm said.
Dr Christoffer Kieburg, project manager in BASF's metal systems business described CypoPrint as "seeder" inks that are applied to the object before "growing" copper conductor structures.
"Another customer benefit is the variable layer thickness and conductivity of the antennas, which can be easily adapted to the various memory chips during electroplating," he said.
BASF also sells a primer to adhere the antenna structure that is formed on the film.
· Greg on December 15 2009 15:54:21
UBA warns RFID tags could affect recycling
Waste Management World -
The German Federal Environment agency (UBA) has released a study which highlights potential problems caused by Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. These tags are being, ever more frequently, used in packaging of consumer goods, and are set to eventually replace the barcode system widely used now.
The tags are beneficial to consumers and retailers as they store more information on a smaller amount of space, and streamline the processes of checkout, warehousing and theft prevention. However, the tags contain silicon and aluminium which could contaminate the products they are placed on and cause problems for recyclers further down the chain. A trace element of silicon when glass is melted down could affect the quality of recycled glass when it is used again, making it discoloured or less shatterproof.
There are estimated to be around 86 million tags in use in Germany today, with 20 million of these being placed on packaging. While this amount does not pose any threat to recycling systems today, the figure is expected to increase to over 23 billion by 2020. This would mean a sharp increase in copper, aluminium and silver into recycling processes, from 7 tonnes (2007) to 770 tonnes, plus an increase in silicon input.
UBA recommends close observation of tag types and volume and more dialogue between RFID manufacturers and the recycling industry in order to prevent this problem or create a solution.
· Greg on December 15 2009 15:53:26
Journalist Bullied by UN Cops For Asking Climategate Question at Copenhagen Press Conference
· Greg on December 14 2009 18:25:27
Relm Wireless wins DoD contract
Orlando Business Journal -
Relm Wireless Corp. has been awarded a $750000 contract from the Department of Defense for its Rapid Deployment Portable Repeater, which allows emergency ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 11:13:10· Read More ·
Nuclear-Powered Transponder for Cyborg Insect
This week at the International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), in Baltimore, Md., Cornell University engineers presented research that shows progress in powering cybernetic organisms with a radioactive fuel source
· Greg on December 14 2009 11:10:14· Read More ·
‘Whack A Banker’ game proving a hit in Britain
LONDON (AFP) – A new “Whack A Banker” amusement arcade game is proving so popular in Britain that the mallets used to clobber them are wearing out fast, its creator said.
Inventor Tim Hunkin’s machine at his seaside pier arcade in Southwold, eastern England, offers punters a “truly rewarding banking experience”.
“You pay 40 pence (65 US cents, 45 euro cents) to hit as many bankers as you can in 30 seconds as their heads pop up,” he said of the game based on the amusement arcade classic “Whack A Mole”.
“It’s proving very popular. I keep having to replace worn-out mallets.
“The bankers are bald and all look the same because that’s how I think people see bankers — as faceless.
“And, of course, the bankers never really lose. If you win the game a banker’s voice says: ‘You win. We retire. Thank you very much to the taxpayer for paying our pensions’.”
Bankers have been the target of public fury in Britain over recent months, given the huge cost to the taxpayer of bailing out failing banks and the whopping bonuses paid out as the country languishes in recession.
· Greg on December 14 2009 11:08:22
IBM Launches Cloud Computing Lab
InformationWeek -
IBM said Thursday that it opened a research lab in Hong Kong dedicated to developing products and services for the cloud computing market. ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 11:07:36· Read More ·
Panda genome unveiled
Science News -
The giant panda genome. All 2.4 billion DNA base pairs of a 3-year-old female panda named Jingjing have been cataloged, researchers report online December
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:40:20· Read More ·
EA-18G Cleared for Full Rate Production
Boeing is moving the EA-18G Growler into Full Rate Production (FRP) following approval by the U.S. Navy after the aircraft achieved initial operational capability (IOC) on September 22 this year, operating with U.S. Navy electronic attack squadron VAQ-132, based at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash. The first potential deployment of the Growler is slated for 2010, while the Navy expects the Prowler-to-Growler transition to be completed by 2013.
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:26:24
Smart Meters Raise Privacy Concerns
Leslie Harris. Center for Democracy & Technology CEO, wants to draw attention to privacy issues raised by the deployment of smart meters. Harris suggests the smart meters may be too smart.
“There is a set of unresolved privacy issues arising from the Smart Grid’s ability to collect an unprecedented amount of energy consumption data in the form of highly granular household consumer information,” says Harris. “Historically a consumer’s energy consumption details are collected on a monthly basis…But in the Smart Grid a consumer could have anywhere from 750 to 3,000 ‘data points’ collected per month.”
The expectation of privacy issues that may be affected include personal sleep and work habits, meal times, identification of medical equipment and other devices that may alert the utilities to eccentric and possibly illegal activities.
Beyond the specter of Big Brother monitoring personal movements, smart meters collect data prized by advertisers and marketers for commercial purposes, law enforcement for possible surveillance and criminals seeking to case a potential burglary site.
As the utilities move in the Grid 2.0 scenario there will be more interconnections with third-party service providers offering new web-based portals for managing energy use. “Suddenly, these third-party players in the energy data arena have the potential to use consumer data in ways that end-run the traditional consumer-to-utility relationship and to monetize that data through marketing and sharing with others,” Harris predicts.
She cites the example of a California family that came under criminal investigation based on an unusually high electric bill. The energy use turned out to be completely legitimate but the precedent was set. “Although this data is about activity in the home, which has traditionally received the strongest Fourth Amendment protection, the routine sharing with utilities likely strips it of strong constitutional protection.”
Harris is calling for industry standards to protect consumers’ privacy. “The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)…is especially well placed to encourage the development of standards that both fulfill the promise of the Smart Grid and protect privacy.”
The issue is certain to stay on the radar of policy-makers the world over as smart meterdeployment moves forward. For example, in New Zealand Arc Innovation announced that Meridian Energy has spent $50 million on installing smart meters in 126,000 homes and businesses. It is the first large-scale deployment of its kind in Australasia and the meters have provided more than one million monthly meter reads from its advanced meters.
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:21:49
AT&T Takes the Blame, Even for the iPhone's Faults
New York Times -
I LOVE my iPhone. I just wish it were matched with Verizon Wireless, the carrier with the most envied reputation as fast, ubiquitous, ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:18:27· Read More ·
Avatar: James Cameron's new world
Toronto Star -
... and a virtual camera system that allows Cameron to see in real time the way his actor-based CG characters interact with their virtual worlds. ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:10:59· Read More ·
Virtual World Smut Too Accessible by Minors, FTC Charges
PC World -
The Federal Trade Commission last week said minors can access explicit sexual and vilolent content in 70 percent of the virtual worlds it reviewed in a ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:09:51· Read More ·
Virtual World Smut Too Accessible by Minors, FTC Charges
PC World -
The Federal Trade Commission last week said minors can access explicit sexual and vilolent content in 70 percent of the virtual worlds it reviewed in a ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:09:17· Read More ·
Augmented Reality hits the streets of Tokyo
TechRadar UK -
If anywhere could be expected to be in the vanguard of the imminent Augmented Reality (AR) revolution then it would have to be Japan and where else but in the nation's myriad department stores?
AR machines are already on the streets of Japan, being used to help lazy shoppers try on clothes virtually and find out more about products from a range of shops under the same roof.
Sign me up
Printing and display specialist Toppan is using an AR machine to encourage shoppers at one chain of stores to virtually browse products and sign up for reward points programmes.
Meanwhile, trading firm Furutani Sangyou has installed its 'Magical Mirror' in a department store in Tokyo.
The machine superimposes clothes from various retailers in the store on a live video image of anyone standing in front of the onboard camera.
While the idea is to save time trying clothes on, it's really more of a proof-of-concept for now, although big business will doubtless be interested in seeing how AR fares in the eyes of consumers before pressing on with more ambitious schemes.
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:04:14
Alistair Darling signals end to ID card scheme
Alistair Darling has signalled an end to the government’s controversial ID card scheme.
The chancellor said there is “probably no need” to “go further” than the new biometric passports in a newspaper interview published today.
Darling went on to say that while his decision was not going against any existing plans, he acknowledged that his intervention would probably sound the death knell for ID cards.
· Greg on December 14 2009 10:01:58· Read More ·
PNB to open 100000 biometric atms by 2013
Business Standard -
Keeping in sync with its target, the bank unveiled its plans to open 100000 biometric Automated Teller Machines (atms) in rural areas by the year 2013 for ...
· Greg on December 14 2009 09:56:38· Read More ·
Steel-woven wallet to keep RFID cards safe
Worried someone may try to wirelessly nab your personal details from those radio frequency identification (RFID) cards in your wallet? Get some peace of mind with the "identity theft preventing privacy wallet," its seller claims.
According to its online retailer Herrington Catalog, the wallet is woven from over 20,000 super-fine strands of stainless steel which "protects your ID like armor plate." The idea is sound, in principle. The stitching methodology reminded us of a Faraday cage - an enclosure designed to block out external electric fields, reports RegHardware.
The wallet promises to completely shield its contents from today's hi-tech pickpockets, while also being stronger than leather. Speaking of contents, the wallet can hold six cards, has two internal slots and a billfold - that's a fiver folding flap to our British readers.
Two designs are available - 'Smooth' and 'Engine-Turned' - online now, each priced at $80.
· Greg on December 14 2009 09:54:52
Experience The Enterprise - Star Trek Augmented Reality (AR
· Greg on December 14 2009 09:52:02
New platforms, new networks – The Internet of Things starts to become real
Enterprise Irregulars (blog) -
A host of highly networked and dependent platforms are emerging and available, lead by the ongoing adoption ofInternet-based applications in mainstream ...
· Greg on December 12 2009 18:00:06· Read More ·
Military agency studying space garbage service
Spaceflight Now -
The analysis was the subject of a conference sponsored by DARPA and NASA this week in Washington. Nearly 300 participants and approximately 60 speakers ...
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:58:02· Read More ·
BRAIN SCANS for parolees?
The finding raises the possibility of using brain scans to determine the true intentions of criminals who are up for early release on parole, according to Thomas Baumgartner of the University of Zurich in Switzerland.
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:54:23· Read More ·
Bankers might be feeling public’s wrath — literally
A Los Angeles lawyer who had represented a failed subprime mortgage lender is found dead outside his home, having been shot in the head.
Three men allegedly invade the home of a former subprime lender, and are arrested after reportedly injuring three people inside.
Vandals target the home of the former CEO of the Royal Bank of Scotland, smashing windows in the banker's home and car.
Those are just three notable incidents of violence aimed at people who were in some way linked to the financial crisis that has unfolded over the past year. And while in many of those cases it's unclear whether the incidents were politically motivated, or motivated by financial issues, or just a coincidence, the cases fit into a pattern of escalating crime and violence in the wake of the recession.
Matthew Padilla of the Orange Country Register reports on a series of violent incidents in California in some way linked to the financial collapse.
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:53:48
RAND Corporation Blueprint for Militarized “Stability Police Force”
The RAND study, which was conducted for the U.S. Army’s Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, recommended using the Marshals Service rather than the US Army’s Military Police as host for the SPFOR in order to avoid conflicts with the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids (albeit in principle more than in practice) the domestic use of the military as a law enforcement body.
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:52:43· Read More ·
Google Voice Now Crowdsourcing Voicemail Transcription
Nonsensical, inane and silly sentences are a running joke with the voicemail transcription service in Google Voice, the company's service for letting users ring their home, work and mobile numbers through one number.
To provide voicemail transcriptions, the Google Voice team uses the company's complex, but young speech recognition algorithms to divine what users are saying and render the spoken words in text.
Users may then read their messages as if they were e-mail instead of listening to them. Ideally, this could save users time, or let them access their messages on their phones or laptops when they cannot listen to them, such as when they are in business meetings.
Voicemail transcription is fantastic in theory, but underwhelming in practice. Transcription quality is often dinged by background noise, caller accent, connection quality and other variables.
Google has previously let users check a box next to transcribed voicemail messages to let the company know if the quality of the transcript was good enough to be useful.
Today, Google has taken this crowdsourcing approach to improving message transcription up a notch by asking users to donate their voicemail messages. Google Voice Product Manager Vincent Paquet explained:
You can now go one step further by letting us figure out why it was good or bad. When you rate a transcript, you will be asked whether you would like to donate the message. You have three options:
Paquet assures that donated voicemails will be listened to and manually transcribed by Google to check transcription improvements, but they won't be made public or used for any other purpose.
Again, voicemail transcription has been something of a joke for Google Voice. Paquet himself said he sometimes hears his first name as "ten cent," as the speech recognition software struggles to recognize Vincent. So this is a nice idea.
But I'm sure users are much more curious about how Paquet and his team are bolting the Gizmo5softphone technology into Google Voice to enable it to connect endpoints, and even more curious about how this might work in a Google Phone in 2010.
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:51:23
3-D Maps, Camera Phones Put 'Reality' in 'Augmented Reality'
Wired News -
Earthmine says its three-dimensional reality augmentation software can help locationally-aware directories and search engines label ...
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:50:17· Read More ·
Biometric cards going ahead
Africa Intelligence -
The Malagasy transition authority doesn't have the funds to finance the biometric identity cards project that it wants to deploy ahead of the general ...
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:49:25
Home Front: Biometric database - a security necessity or a first step toward a ...
Jerusalem Post -
Days after the Knesset approved the Biometric Database Law and paved the way for a two-year pilot plan in which volunteers will receive ...
· Greg on December 12 2009 17:48:49· Read More ·
Eric Schmidt shows his true colours. The immortal Google cookie coupled with the ceo's attitude makes for a troubling scenario
· Greg on December 12 2009 12:30:59
Predictive Programming to get you used to sensored environments - Xbox is so cool man,it recognises your face your gestures and voice. Throw in some skeletal mapping and finger identity.WOW SOO COOL
· Greg on December 11 2009 14:49:38
Swine flu may be mildest pandemic ever, researchers say
Los Angeles Times
A typical flu season is associated with about 35000 deaths. In 1957, the Asian flu pandemickilled about 70000 Americans. Making accurate projections about ...
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:21:59· Read More ·
Facebook Fine-Tunes Privacy Controls for More Than 350 Million Users
TMCnet -
Erin Harrison is a senior editor with tmcnet, primarily covering telecom expense management, politics and technology and Web 2.0. ...
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:19:38· Read More ·
Yahoo! apes! Google! with! more! Web2.0rhea!
Register -
Unlike Google and Microsoft, Yahoo! is not paying Twitter for direct access to its "Firehose" ofWeb2.0rhea. It's using the public Twitter API. ...
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:19:04· Read More ·
NSA for sending threatening message
Press Trust of India -
The district police has initiated proceedings under National Security Act against a person, arrested for sending an sms threatening to blow up a shopping complex here 20 days ago.
Mohammad Nawaz had allegedly sent the sms to Kanpur Range IG J L Meena, threatening that Globus shopping complex would be blown up.
Police had rushed to the spot and the entire complex was vacated but after a through search nothing was found.
Nawaz was later arrested and confessed to his crime.
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:18:10
Govt wants to establish e-health system
Sydney Morning Herald -
Every Australian should be assigned their own electronic health record number by the middle of next year, with the federal government releasing the draft ...
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:17:10· Read More ·
Shut Down the 'Net: A Guide for Repressive Regimes
FOXNews -
"Governments can censor Internet traffic using the same technology tools found in large corporate enterprises," explains PCMag.com lead networking analyst ...
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:04:33· Read More ·
US Military Joins CIA's Drone War in Pakistan
Wired News -
Government officials have refused to speak in public about drone attacks, just as they routinely rebuff any attempt to probe into the CIA's operations. ...
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:03:45· Read More ·
Chinese Model of Population Control Heralded as Global Warming Solution
Family Planning Vice-minister: "This... approach should serve as a model for integrating population programs..."
The often brutal Chinese program of population reduction and control is being held up as an ideal model for governments when "integrating population programs" into environmental policies. Reporting from Copenhagen, China Daily reports,
"Population and climate change are intertwined but the population issue has remained a blind spot when countries discuss ways to mitigate climate change and slow down global warming, according to Zhao Baige, vice-minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China (NPFPC)."
· Greg on December 11 2009 11:00:30· Read More ·
Google Docs Gets Better Search, File Export Utilities
Docs no longer has time to get dusty without something new happening. This week, the Docs team made several improvements around search relevance, exporting data and sharing content. It's good to see Docs getting refreshed and made more current. It had looked so Web 1.5 for too long.
· Greg on December 11 2009 10:59:07· Read More ·
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16/12/2009 06:29
Nice marketing idea Daniya ...We might use that
15/12/2009 18:22
They should call him 30 pieces of silverman ~ Judas & him selling the soul for $$$$$
05/12/2009 18:18
TruNews Interview next week. Tune in
03/12/2009 19:46
Sorry for the lack of news. I am sick.Back to normal tomorrow I hope
29/11/2009 00:02
Concept of verichip is intriguing..believ
e it or not...it will cover the entire world sooner than you Think..!
24/11/2009 11:47
Drone Zone added. Enjoy , still needs more content but
24/11/2009 08:22
Is the site overflowing for some browsers?ie to large?
20/11/2009 18:25
BeatTheChip Interview tomorrow - tune in
20/11/2009 17:59
New section added , Humanisation of Robots and Robotisation of Humans
20/11/2009 10:40
Another great interview.
19/11/2009 14:22
2 hours tomorrow on Katherine Albrecht Show http://gcnlive.com
eAlbrecht we are also taking calls!!
19/11/2009 10:18
Interview with Beat The Chip on Friday - Tune In
19/11/2009 06:17
On Katherine Albrecht Show tomorrow to discuss the IBM Global Brain - tune in + taking calls
17/11/2009 23:47
I think you're right about the appeal issue for kids and the whole religion thing. The over riding conditioned response to religion is a gag reflex, especially amoungst younger generations.
17/11/2009 23:46
Greg, great job at av3 you really stole the show with your amazing presentation. you let them say it in their own words, always the best way and worryingly its getting easier to use this approach! I t
16/11/2009 22:31
John thanks for the hospitality. btw i lost the dvd of my presentation im back for av5 though
16/11/2009 11:01
I will stand up fighting against this, and I will go down if God wills. I will not take the chip. I am so glad I found this site.
16/11/2009 05:23
I just added your link to one of my sites.
16/11/2009 03:54
13/11/2009 14:21
ATTENTION! The racist anti-semites already injected 'cochlear' hypnotic chips into basically everybody in the news & entertainment industry! The media's thoughts were programmed hypno
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