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Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons
Dr. Reinhard Munzert
6. Sept. 2002

New arms threaten and destroy lives in strange ways. Directed energy weapons are among the high-tech arms of the century. They hurt and kill with electromagnetic power. Microwave weapons can be aimed at computers, electronical devices and persons. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for military and terrorist activities. These weapons are also part of crimes (in Europe) that almost nobody knows except the victims and the offenders. Until now they make the perfect crime possible. No doubt, these weapons have a terrible future.

Key Points

Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
DEW and Crime
Perfect Crime?
DEW and Terrorism

Topic 1

Manipulated Microwave Oven
Magnetrons and Generators
Intelligent Antenna Systems

Topic 2

Anti-Electronics Weapon
Anti-Personnel Weapon
Psychological Effects

Topic 3

DEW and Crime
License to Kill
Perfect Crime
Mental Strength & Fighting Back

Topic 4

DEW as Terrorist Weapon
Unseen Terror Attack
Prevention and Protection


New Threats and Dangers
Crime and Terrorism
Recognizing and Knowing
Prevention and Elimination
Future Weapon! -Terrible Future?


New Technology in Crime

Activities and Sources

There is a new, effective weapon for criminals and terrorists. Law-breakers often misuse modern technology. Through the illegal usage of innovative high-tech weapons, people are not ”shot”, rather their living quarters are bathed in (high frequency) electromagnetic waves for a length of time. Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are mostly intended for military purposes (U.S. Air Force, Russian and Chinese armies). High-tech company Raytheon states about DEW: ”We believe they are a critical element of how ultimately wars will be fought. HPM (High power microwaves) is the most mature right now” (in Fulghum & Wall 2002).

The renowned German newspaper “DIE WELT” acknowledges microwave weapons as arms of the 21st century. In another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, a weapons expert has recommended the police to procure microwave (MW) weapons for police use. Considering what certain criminals know about MW weapons, they have a significant advantage over the police until now. This puts the victims in extreme danger.

A primitive variation of a MW weapon would look like this: A microwave oven from the kitchen with the protective shielding removed from the door and replaced by a metal funnel. And then the waves can get through walls (Pictures 1, 2, 3).

The effects of the MW beam on the victims include extreme weariness, headache, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea, painful testis, damaged nervous system and internal organs, burned skin and eye damage. Later effects include blindness, heart attack, stroke and cancer. In the last months by some victims, cancerous tumors have been diagnosed.

In addition to that, victims (through intrigue and defamation) are seen as psychotic and dangerous; thus, they are completely helpless. At the same time, the new weapons (for certain contractors) are tested under ordinary circumstances and constantly improved.

HPM crimes are a new kind of crime with some very new characteristics. The International Union of Radio Science emphasizes in a resolution of 1999 on Criminal Activities using Electromagnetic Tools: "The fact that criminal activities using electromagnetic tools can be undertaken covertly and anonymously and that physical boundaries such as fences and walls can be penetraded by electromagnetic fields."

Expert Pevler stresses: "The development of high-power microwave (HPM) weaponry, and its proliferation into subversive organizations, offers the means to commit the 'perfect crime'. HPM attacks typically leave no residual evidence and their effects can range from nuisance to catastrophic" (1997).

The HPM-weapons that the high-tech gang uses supply continous or pulsed waves over long periods of time - especially in the night - from cars or vans or buildings around the target/person(s). They use magnetrons, microwave-generators, amplifiers, integrated systems. In addition they apply through wall imaging methods. There are already over 40 known victims in Germany, some of them even have been attacked while in hospital. But the police doesn't understand these new weapons.

Besides this the criminals use tactics of information warfare: Know all about the victims, let them know nothing about you, information dominance, disrupt the communication systems of the victims.

The criminal network has at its deposal plentiful first class technical know-how and high quality equipment. That assures high efficiency and precision strikes and enables to operate from cars or vans. The MW generators/transmitters can be camouflaged in an attaché case or hidden in a small suitcase.

Only through cooperative work between electronic specialists and physicists have we been able to shine a revealing light on this special high-tech criminal activity. For experts: The (pulsed) waves of two or more transmitters [MW generators] interfere in the target zone, and through that, strengthen their effects. There are also parabolic antennas modified to transmitters. Besides this, intelligent (adaptive) antenna systems (numerous small transmitters connected, instead of few large ones; for example hidden in parked cars) will be used. Sometimes frequency hopping is employed. These methods work over several hundred feet, if everything is well adjusted.

We could find out where (electronic) components for highly potent MW weapons or whole systems (pictures 4, 5, 6) can be bought legally.

The criminals follow a double strategy: One way the victims are weakened, injured, tortured and intimidated. On the other side, the victims experience extreme, unbelievable things; almost no one can believe their reports. Most interpret the information from the victims as chimerical thinking. Some experts who work for the German Army or Nato know very well about MW weapons, but secrecy keeps them from talking too much about in public.

In several German cities there are complaints of serious physical injury. One attorney represents the interests of many victims. About 40 victims have built a community of interests. We are aware of many cases with amazing similarities that have been reported in the last few months. We have names and addresses of many victims and the cirumstances of the cases. We also have the names and addresses of some perpetrators.

In some cases, the lifestyles of the criminals are well known to us. Similar to terrorists, many pretend good citizenship or student lifestyles to cover their crimes. Conventional criminal activities, (i.e. burglary) are undertaken by normal gangsters or former members of the Stasi (which was the secret service of former GDR). In this network, they have division of labor and a support structure that includes foreigners as well.

Terrorists could use MW as anti-electronics weapons too. With HP microwaves, they can attack the electronics of computers, cars, airplanes and so on successfully [see the other papers of the Workshop W8]. They can use microwave weapons (radio frequency weapons) to damage electronic systems in an unseen attack with all those bad consequencies.

Additional points to be covered in the workshop: Detection of microwaves and protection against attacks.

All that has nothing to do with MW beam fright, but is criminal high-tech forced on the people. It is frightening that these weapons are being increasingly used by criminals and terrorists.


Fulghum, D. A. (1999): Microwave Weapons Await a Future War. Aviation Week, 6/7/1999, p. 30.

Fulghum, D. A. (2002): Directed Energy Weapons To Arm Unmanned Craft. Aviation Week, 2/25/2002.

Fulghum, D. A. & Wall. R. (2002): Farnborough 2002: Raytheon Links Future To Network Prowess. Aviation Week, 7/19/2002.

Hecht, J. (2001): The Heat is on (Microwave beam weapon tested). NewScientist, 10/27/2001, p. 26.

International Union of Radio Science (1999): Resolution on Criminal Activities using Electromagnetic Tools. General Assembly, Toronto 1999.

Laukenmann, J. (2001): ”Hände hoch – oder es klebt!” Süddeutsche Zeitung, 9/25/2001.

Lövstrand, K. G. & Bäckström M. (2001): Intense Radio Frequency (RF) as a Tool for Graded Action. In: Non-Lethal Weapons. Hrsg.: Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologie.

Magdeburger Volksstimme (1999): Missbrauch elektromagnetischer Wellen durch Terroristen möglich. 10/8/1999.

Munzert, R. (2001/2002): Neue Technologie im Verbrechen – Mikrowellen-Waffen. Informationstexte an das Bayerische Landeskriminalamt, Bundeskriminalamt und andere Sicherheitsorgane. April 2001-march 2002, not published.

Nitsch, J. (1998): Gefahren erkennen. Wirkung von Hochleistungsmikrowellen. In: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV - ESD), Jahrgang 9, Ausgabe 3/98, p. 23- 26.

Nöldechen, A. & Dorra, B. (2001): "Europäer diskutieren über Mikrowellen und Laserstrahlen als moderne Waffensysteme". Serie: Waffen des 21. Jahrhunderts, 3. Teil. DIE WELT, 9/25/2001, p. 31.

Pevler, A.E. (1997), Security Implications of High-Power Microwave Technology,

Schimmelpfennig, U. (1999): Strahlenkanonen für jedermann – Kein Schutz gegen Erpressung und Terror? Tv-Beitrag in Kontraste SFB/ARD, 11/18/1999.

Schwartau, W. (1996), Information Warfare, Second Edition, Thunder’s Mouth Press.

Scott, W. B. (1999): ‚Beam‘ Weapons Edging Into Arsenal. Aviation Week, 7/5/1999, p. 53.

United States Air Force (1998): High Power Microwaves. Factsheet.

United States Air Force (2001): High Power Microwave Division. Factsheets.

Wall, R. (2000): Directed-Energy Threat Inches Forward. Aviation Week, 10/30/2000, S. 70.

Wilbers, A.T.M. et al. (2001): Susceptibility of COTS PC to microwave illumination. In: Non-Lethal Weapons. Hrsg.: Fraunhofer Institut Chemische Technologie.

Winkenbach, J. (2002): Mikrowelle als Nahkampfwaffe. Welt am Sonntag, Nr.1.1/6/2002, S. 12.

July, 2002
Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen


Picture 1: Manipulated Mircowave Oven

Picture 2: Microwaves going through walls

Picture 3: Book that describes the manipulation of a microwave oven to a ray weapon

Picture 4: Magnetron

Picture 5: Magnetron

Picture 6: Generator

Picture 7: Active Denial Technology

Picture 8: Neuronal Networks in the Brain

© Dr. Munzert 2002

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