Monday, June 9, 2008

Revelations of Secret Surveillance - SYSTEMS OF SURVEILANCE


Systems of Surveillance
An information resource
created in conjunction with
Revelations of Secret Surveillance

In memory of Jerzy Witold Rózycki,
Piotr Smolenski, Jan Gralinski,
and François Lane, Polish
codebreakers working on
deconstructing the Enigma and
the French officer accompanying
them, who died when the ship
carrying them between France
and Algeria went down on
January 9 1942, the exact day
I was born.
.......................... Judy Malloy

The example of dedicated
investigation and code breaking
-- set by many men and women
who were intelligence agents in
World War II -- no longer seems
the norm in an intelligence agency
culture in which the lives of
many innocent people are spied on.

At the same time, technologies
of surveillance and control,
such as brain scanning, mind-body
control, wireless remote control,
and high-power ultrasound have
been developed with government
funds in semi-secret. The
references set forth here look at
the potential for technology-
mediated repression in a climate
of intelligence agency and corporate
mercenary stalking of the people of
their own countries.

Technology-Mediated Repression
Surveillance of Civilians

Background: Covert Total War

Technology-Mediated Repression
"Nonlethal Weapons"

Brain Scanning

Mind-Body Control

Mind-Body Control: Virtual Soldier Research/Control of Soldiers
Government Funded Research into the Control of Humans
Mind-Body Control: Sexual Stimulation

Voice to Skull/Interactive Brain Communication

Neural Behavior Modification, Brain Invasive Surveillance,
and Other Brain Interference Technologies

Control of Animals

Background: Neuroscience Institutes
Background: Neuroscience Technologies - Corporations

Psychological Warfare/Psychodrama

Human Experimentation
Regulations for Human and Animal Experimentation

The Ethics of Neural Interference with Humans and Animals

The Altered Environment: Weather: Use as a Weapon of Warfare
The Altered Environment: Weather Interference
The Altered Environment: Spy Satellites
The Altered Environment: Spy Robots
The Altered Environment: Weaponization of Space
The Altered Environment: New Surveillance Technologies
The Altered Environment: Remote Control

Surveillance of Civilians

Surveillance and Harassment: NSA/Echelon
Surveillace and Harrassment: Military Intelligence
Surveillance and Harassment: FBI
Surveillance and Harassment: FBI: 2000-
Infiltration: The OSS
Surveillance and Harassment: CIA
Surveillance and Harassment: Civilian Government Agencies

Surveillance and Harassment: State and City
Surveillance, Harassment, Gross Negligence: Military Industrial Complex
Total Information Awareness; MATRIX and related programs

Surveillance, Harassment,Infiltration: US Intelligence Agencies in Other Countries
Surveillance, Harassment,Infiltration: British Intelligence

Surveillance, Harassment,Infiltration: Intelligence Agencies from Other Countries

Surveillance, Harassment,Infiltration: Mercenaries: Vance, Wackenhut
Mobbing/Gang Stalking
Gang Stalking - Possible War Game Connections
Harassment Technologies

Background: Concentration of Power

Background: John Birch Society/Far Right Organizations
Background: Ku Klux Klan

Background: House Unamerican Activities Committee

Surveillance, Harassment,Infiltration: Attacks on Unions and Workers

Control of Athletes

Intelligence Agency Subversion of the Arts
Intelligence Agency Subversion of the Press
Intelligence Agency Subversion of Academia
Attacks on Art and Academic Funding and Content
Imprisonment of Artists and Intellectuals - Communist Governments

Background - Covert Total War

Background: Covert Total War
Background: Eugenics - through WWII

Background: Eugenics - WWII -

Background: Operation Paperclip: Nazi War Criminal Scientists in the US

Background: Space Agency Negligence

Advocacy Resources
A separate site that includes links to information and
organizations for advocates against abuse of surveillance,
neural technologies and "nonlethal weapons"

"Nonlethal Weapons"

Karla Adam, "Merchants in Britain Give Young Loiterers an Earful,
Shrill Noise Repels Kids but Not Adults", The Washington Post,
February 27, 2008 --

John B. Alexander, "Acoustics", in Future War, Non-Lethal Weapons in
Twenty-First Century Warfare, NY, Thomas Dunne Books, 1999. pp. 95-102
Details the use of high-power ultrasound weapons on humans and the built environment. These
weapons, developed in this country by Scientific Applications and Research Associates (SARA) in
California, among others, have the capacity to cause pain, to cause inattention, sleepiness,
and fatigue, to disrupt mental reasoning. PPS (Pulsed Periodic Stimuli) weapons also
developed at SARA according to Alexander, are capable of causing neurophysiological distress
and perceptual disorientation. Ultrasound can also weaken structures and potentially cause
objects to move.

Robert J. Bunker, Editor, "Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References", pp. 95-102
INSS Occasional Paper 15, USAF Institute for National Security Studies
USAF Academy, Colorado -- ( website)

This list is of interest because of the range of technologies which it includes
and because it lists technologies, such neuro-implants -- described as "Computer implants
into the brain which allow for behavioral modification and control" -- as "nonlethal weapons",
whereas the research objectives for implants are often differently stated.

Among the other nonlethal weapons it lists are: Pheromones, Electromagnetic Interference,
"Hologram, Death", described as a "Hologram used to scare a target individual to death",
and "Optical, Low Energy Laser-Eye Safe", descibed as a continuous wave laser mounted on
a rifle, that "produces a high-intensity glare strong enough to temporarily delay and
disorient an adversary...".

Human Rights Watch, "Acoustic Weapons Memorandum For Convention
on Conventional Weapons (CCW) Delegates", December 16, 1999 --

David Hambling, "Maximum pain is aim of new US weapon", New Scientist, March 2, 2005

Michael Hanlon, "Run away the ray-gun is coming : We test US army's new secret weapon"
Daily Mail, September 18, 2007

Sunshine Project - Nonlethal Weapons, US "Non Lethal" Chemical
(and Biochemical) Weapons Research

Daria Vaisman, "The Acoustics of War", Cabinet 5: Winter 2001/02 --

Frank Vizard, "Do Microwave Weapons Kill?", Scientific American,
February 18, 2003

Note: Although some "Non-Lethal" Weapons may
(depending on what they actually do) be more humane in battle
situations, many have the potential of being covertly used against civilians,
for instance, to interfere with the performance of athletes, to interfere with the work
of artists and writers, to interfere with the work of women in the sciences.

They could also be used to make peaceful demonstration very difficult.

Brain Scanning

Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories --

Former FBI Agent Drew Richardson is the Vice President of Forensic
operations for Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories, which "allows an individual
to communicate directly from the brain to a computer and speech synthesizer
using electrical brain activity" and is headed by Dr. Lawrence Farwell.

"Brain scan 'sees hidden thoughts', Scientists say they can read a person's
unconscious thoughts using a simple brain scan," BBC News, April, 25, 2005 --

"Brain Scans Aim to Find Differences Between Democrats, Republicans",, 2004 --

Duncan Graham-Rowe, "Brain implants `read' Monkey Minds,, July 8, 2004 --

"Brain implants have been used to 'read the minds' of monkeys
to predict what they are about to do and even how enthusiastic
they are about doing it."

John-Dylan Haynes, "Decoding of conscious and unconscious mental states",
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences

Carl T. Hall, "Devices that Read Human Thought now Possible",
San Francisco Chronicle, November 10, 2003
( web site)

Tom Heneghan, "Call for 'neuroethics' as brain science races ahead",
Reuters, February 15, 2007

Chuck Jorgensen, Chief Scientist for Neuroengineering,
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

Jim Lovel, "Nader group slams Emory for brain research",
Atlanta Business Chronicle, December 5, 2003

Paul Marks, "Can a government remotely detect a terrorist's thoughts?",
New Scientist, August 11, 2007 --
_Lewis Page, "Project Hostile Intent plans 'non-invasive' DHS brainscan", The Register,
August 9, 2007

Frank J. Murray, NASA Plans to Read Minds at Airports,
The Washington Times, August 19, 2002 --
(Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics website)

"New Imaging Techniques That Show the Brain at Work: Brain Scans
That Spy on the Senses," a Report from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

"Revealing secret intentions in the brain"
(Original work: John-Dylan Haynes, Katsuyuki Sakai, Geraint Rees,
Sam Gilbert, Chris Frith, Dick Passingham, "Reading hidden intentions
in the human brain", Current Biology, February 20th, 2007 --

Ian Sample, "The brain scan that can read people's intentions, Call for ethical
debate over possible use of new technology in interrogation", The Guardian,
February 9, 2007--

Dru Sefton, "New Marketing Research Captures Brain Waves,
Raising Privacy Concerns", c.2000 Newhouse News Service.
(no longer available on the web)
"'...This is a new class of technology,' said David Hunter, founder and
president of Capita Research Group Inc. in Blue Bell, Pa., which is
pioneering the technique. 'We like to think of it as the world's
first commercial thought measurement operating system.'"
The project utilizes technology developed by NASA

Wrye Sententia, "Brain Fingerprinting: Databodies to Databrains",
The Journal of Cognitive Liberties, 2:3, 2001 --
(The Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics website)

Noah Shachtman, "Pentagon Preps Mind Fields for Smarter War Stations",
Wired, March 21, 2007 --


Jennet Conant, "Restless Energy," in Jennet Conant,
Tuxedo Park, A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science
That Changed the Course of World War II, (New York: Simon Schuster, 2002).
pp. 108-132
This chapter of a biography of Alfred Loomis details his
experiments with reading brain waves, that began in the 1930's before he
became a major player in defense research and development during World War II.

Augmented Cognition International Society, "Emergence of Augmented Cognition"

Mind-Body Control

Brian L. Day, "Galvanic vestibular stimulation: new uses for an
old tool" The Journal of Physiology 517.3, 1999p. 631 --

Barnaby J. Feder, "A Heart Device Is Found Vulnerable to Hacker Attacks", The New York Times,
March 12, 2008

Douglas Fox, "Remote control brains: a neuroscience revolution",
New Scientist, July 18, 2007

Michael Graziano, "How Does The Brain Control Movement?",
Princeton University, CASE STUDY "How Does The Brain Control Movement?"

Richard Gray, "Mind control",, July 16, 2006

Leah Hoffmann, "Remote-Controlled Humans", Forbes, August 4, 2005

Yuri Kageyama, "A remote control that controls humans;
Headset sends electricity through head, forcing wearer to move" MSNBC, Oct 25, 2005--

Jonathan D. Moreno, Mind Wars, Brain Research and National Defense,
NY, NY; Washington, DC: Dana Press, 2006.
With an emphasis on DARPA funding, Jonathan Moreno's Mind Wars,
Brain Research and National Defense provides an overview of brain invasive
technologies that include the neuro-control of animals, brain fingerprinting,
"building better soldiers" (his terminology) and nonlethal weapons.

In a section entitled "No Pain No Gain", (pp. 153-154) Moreno discusses the ADS
("active-denial" system) that uses microwave beams to induce pain, as well as nociceptor
stimulation using pulsed energy projectiles.(PEPS) (Note that he does not
adequately address the potential for technologies that allow access to the brain
to be used to control human minds in order to cause pain nor does the book, in the whole,
provide adequate space to synthetic telemetry research.)

In the context of pain-inducing NLW testing , the author suggests that calling human
experiments "field trials", in order to circumvent human experiment ethics is acceptable.

And in a chilling segment, he observes that seemingly the military considers that if doctors
are not in charge, such tests could be considered a "field trial" rather than a human

Speaking of cold war tests in which soldiers and sailors were
purposefully exposed to Atomic bomb and chemical nerve agents, he writes:
"One can argue whether there was deliberate duplicity on the part of
military officials in these cases or not, but I don't think so. In fact,
it's often not easy to tell the difference between developing a new
device or training for a new situation and conducting a human experiment." (p. 157)

Moreno's claim to be in the middle of the ethical debate on the use of mind
invasive technologies is also belied by, among other things, his unethical advocacy
for Augcog enhancements on soldiers: "Soldiers aren't normally asked for their
informed consent before accepting what their command regards as the best preparation
for battle. If the question is purely a moral one, than it's difficult to see why
these AugCog enhancements should be regarded differently from anything else a soldier
can be legally ordered to do." (p. 53)

On the whole, the book seems to be a DARPA whitewash. Nevertheless, Mind Wars does
at least raise ethics issues, and because there are few book length overviews of military
neuroscience, the book is a contribution to the literature -- providing cogent evidence that there
is a concerted DOD research agenda in neuro-technologies.

"Pilot Study of Mind-to-Movement Device Shows Early Promise", Brown
News Service --

David F. Salisbury, "Complex behaviors could be `hard-wired' in
the primate brain, Neuroscientists have identified an area called the
primary motor cortex which, when stimulated, triggers simple muscle
movements, Vanderbilt Register, March 28, 2005 --

"SNRI study on pain transduction receptor is featured cover
article in scientific journal" - Stark Neurosciences Research
Institute,(Dr. Gerry Oxford et al.)

Elizabeth A. Thomson, "Monkey Controls Robotic Arm Using Brain
Signals Sent Over the Internet, MIT News Service", December 6, 2000 --
This experiment in mind-body control -- involving implanting
electrodes in monkey's brains -- was performed by scientists
at Duke University Medical Center in North Carolina, MIT,
and the State University of New York (SUNY) Health Science Center.
Questions that should be asked are: What control would this give
researchers over the minds of people with disabilities?
What are the protections for patients from the potential that
researchers who interfere with animal minds will also think their
research priorities allow them to interfere with human minds and/or
make decisions for patients without consulting them?
Could this technology be used in "virtual commander" situations
where the men and women in our armed forces could be controlled
in battlefield situations.

Note also that the 600 mile range of brain control demonstrated
could allow to unethical researchers to utilize these technologies
across state borders.

This research was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health,
the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency, and the Office of Naval Research.


Vannevar Bush
"As We May Think", The Atlantic Monthly, July 1945 --

In this alternately brilliant (the Memex, for instance)
and chilling/sexist article, Bush advocates mind-body control.
Bush was Director of the Office of Scientific Researchduring World
War II, oversaw the Manhattan Project and was a key figure in the
formation of the Military Industrial and Academic Complex.

Mind-Body Control: Virtual Soldiers/Control of Soldiers

"DARPA Selects SRI International to Lead Trauma Pod Battlefield
Medical Treatment System Development Program" --

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Total Asset Visibility"

Noah Shachtman, "Virtual Soldiers? Dream on, Darpa", Wired News,
Aug. 14, 2003 --,1286,60016,00.html

Government Funded Research into the Control of Humans
Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation
"Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance", Arlington, VA;
The National Science Foundation and the US Department of Commerce, June, 2002

Mind-Body Control - Sexual Stimulation and Love

"The future of mind control", The Economist, May 23rd 2002 --
_ (Mind Control Forum website)

Lawrence C. Katz, Pinciple Investigator,
"Researchers Record First 'Pheromone Images' in Brains of Mice",
Duke University Medical Center, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,

Okada E, Aou S, Takaki A, Oomura Y, Hori T.,
"Electrical stimulation of male monkey's midbrain elicits components
of sexual behavior", Physiol Behav. 1991 Jul;50(1):229-36 --

Elizabeth Royte, "The Altered State", New York Times Magazine
September 29, 1996 p. 158 --
(on website)
"A hand-held computer programs the pattern at which the fields will fluctuate.
The impulses move through the temporal lobe and penetrate deep into the brain,
where they interfere and interact with the complex electrical patterns of the
subject's neural fields. The new patterns spread through the limbic system,
producing sensations that range from subtle to profound.
Persinger has discovered that when he aims for the amygdala, his
subjects experience sexual arousal..."

Scientists create 'trust potion'
"A key hormone helps determine whether we will trust lovers, friends
or business contacts, scientists claim"
BBC News, June 2, 2005

Neely Tucker, "An Affair Of the Head; They Say Love Is All About
Brain Chemistry. Will You Be Dopamine?", Washington Post,
February 13, 2007

Voice to Skull/Interactive Brain Communication

George Dvorsky, "Evolving Towards Telepathy,
Demand for increasingly powerful communications technology points to our
future as a 'techlepathic' species", Betterhumans archives, April 26, 2004
"By combining Jorgensen's device and a cochlear implant with a radio transmitter and a
fancy neural data conversion device, we could create a form of communication that
bypasses the acoustic realm altogether."

The author's enthusiam for synthetic telemetry does not encompass the terrible incursions
on the human mind and the potential for inquisition-type interogation that could result
without detection and legislation. Nevertheless, he does present an informed report of some
of the many ways this could be done and some of the researchers who are working in this field.

Douglas Pasternak, "John Norseen Reading your mind -
and injecting smart thoughts" U.S. News & World Report,
January 3/January 10, 2000, --
(The Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics website)

Jocelyn Selim, "The Bionic Connection. Are we already a lot closer
to a mind-machine interface than we ever guessed?", Discover Magazine, November 2002.

Judy Wall, "Military Use of Mind Control Weapons", Nexus magazine,
October/November 1998.
(Project Freedom Human Rights Watch website)

Kevin Warwick

Sharon Weinberger, "Mind Games
New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government
is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon
has pursued a weapon that can do just that."
Washington Post, January 14, 2007

Eleanor White, "New Devices that 'Talk' to Minds Need Debate,
Controls", American Reporter, March 16, 2000 -- (on


"Brain Transmitters, 'What They Are and How They Are Used'",
Mediaeko Investigative Reporting Group, 1996 Reprint --
(available on the Mind Control Forum website)

Jose Delgado, Physical Control of the Mind -- (note that article does not allow return to linking site)

Richard Alan Miller, "Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars"
Presented at the Consciousness Technologies Conference, July 2001, Sisters, OR

Neural Behavior Modification, Brain Invasive Surveillance,
and Other Brain Interference Technologies

Peter R. Breggin, "Campaigns Against Racist Federal Programs by the
Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology", Journal of African
American Men 1:No. 3, 3-22. Winter 1995/96
A report on psychosurgery on minorities proposed by Harvard psychiatrist Frank Ervin
and neurosurgeons Vernon Mark and William Sweet in Massachusetts and by Jolyon West at UCLA.

Maureen Farrell, "George Orwell Meets the Matrix", ABC News, Sept 5, 2001 -- ( website)

R. Douglas Fields, "Mind Control by Cell Phone, Electromagnetic signals from
cell phones can change your brainwaves and behavior"
Scientific American, May 7, 2008

Will Filer, "NSA Mind Control and Psyops" --

"The future of mind control", The Economist, May 23rd 2002 --
_ (Mind Control Forum website)

Ron Hoy, "The Interplay Among Genes, Neural Systems, and Activity
in Shaping Behavior", Cornell and Howard Hughes Medical Center --

Jason Jeffrey, "Electronic Mind Control - Brain Zapping Part One",
New Dawn Magazine, No. 59, March 2000 --

Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, MD, "Microchip Implants, Mind Control,
and Cybernetics" --

Declan McCullagh, "George Orwell Here We Come", CNET,
January 6, 2003 --,+here+we+come/2010-1071_3-979276.html
"...The Electronic Privacy Information Center used the Freedom of
Information Act in August 2002 to obtain government documents
that talked about reading air travelers' minds and identifying
suspicious thoughts. The NASA briefing materials referred to
`non-invasive neuro-electric sensors' to be used in aviation security."

Harry V. Martin and David Caul, "Mind Control",
Napa Sentinel, 1991 --

Max Nagano, "Dr. Louis Jolyon West and the Neuropsychiatic Institute",
UCLA 1972-'74 --

John D. Norseen, "Images of Mind: The Semiotic Alphabet",
American Computer Scientists Association, May 15, 1996 --

NASA Ames Research Center, (ARC) "Human-Implantable Thermoelectric
Devices" --

Randall Parker, "Monkeys Turned Into Workaholics With Brain Gene
Suppression", --
(page down for article; also of interest on this page:
"Oxytocin Makes Human Minds More Trusting")

Steven Rose, "We are moving ever closer to the era of mind control, The
military interest in new brain-scanning technology is beginning to show a sinister side",
The Observer, February 5, 2006 --,,1702525,00.html

Colin A. Ross, "BLUEBIRD, Deliberate Creation of Multiple
Personality by Psychiatrists" --

John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA --

Margaret Singer, "Coercive Mind Control Tactics", Factnet --

Carole Smith, "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis
of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology",
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, Vol. 3, Number 3 --

Sean Stewart, "Neuromaster, For Caltech's Steve Potter, the road to brain implants begins
with a virtual rat," Wired, February 2000.

US Senate Hearings, August 1977
Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification -- (Schaffer Library of Drug Policy Web Site)

Cheryl Welsh, List of Mind Control Symptoms, March, 2003 --

David Whitehouse, "Computer uses cat's brain to see",
BBC News, October 8, 1999 --

"In what is bound to become a much debated and highly controversial
experiment, a team of US scientists have wired a computer
to a cat's brain and created videos of what the animal was seeing...


Waldemar Kaempffert, "Science in the News: Brain Waves", The New York Times, July 7, 1940.
According to this report, Eliot Chapple [Harvard Medical School, President of
the Society for Applied Anthroplogy] and his colleague, Dr. C. F. Harding made
brain wave records of two people talking and were able to "appraise human relations
scientifically", Chapple advocated the use of this technology to "size up" applicants
for jobs.

"Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial of Mindszenty",
New York Times, August 2, 1977. p. 16
"...The C.I.A. men who led the way, enlisting the support of the Army,
the Navy, the Air Force, the Departments of Agriculture, Health, Education and
Welfare and several other agencies, acknowledged among themselves that much of
what they were setting out to do was 'unethical', bordered on the illegal
and would be repugnant to the American people. So they made certain that
these activities were tightly held, known only to the director,
Allen W. Dulles, and a handful of operatives and high-ranking aides...."

Barbara Opall, "U.S. Explores Russian Mind-Control Technology,"
Defense News, January 11-17, 1993.
(on Government Mind Control website) (note that article does not allow return to linking site)

Georg von Békésy, Experiments in Hearing, Acoustical Society of America,
Originally published in 1960; Reprinted in 1989

Control of Animals

Tom Engelhardt, "Shark and awe, The Pentagon plans to put neural implants
in sharks to have them serve as underwater spies -- another example of a defense
budget gone mad, Salon, March 10, 2006 --

Duncan Graham-Rowe, "Brain implants `read' Monkey Minds,, July 8, 2004 --

"Brain implants have been used to 'read the minds' of monkeys
to predict what they are about to do and even how enthusiastic
they are about doing it."

Ben Harder, "Scientists "Drive" Rats By Remote Control", National Geographic News,
May 1, 2002 --

E. Okada, S. Aou, A. Takaki, Y. Oomura, T. Hori
"Electrical stimulation of male monkey's midbrain elicits components
of sexual behavior", Physiol Behav. 1991 Jul;50(1):229-36 --

Randall Parker, "Monkeys Turned Into Workaholics With Brain Gene
Suppression", --
(page down for article)

David F. Salisbury, "Complex behaviors could be `hard-wired' in
the primate brain, Neuroscientists have identified an area called the
primary motor cortex which, when stimulated, triggers simple muscle
movements, Vanderbilt Register, March 28, 2005 --

Elizabeth A. Thomson, "Monkey Controls Robotic Arm Using Brain
Signals Sent Over the Internet, MIT News Service", December 6, 2000 --

David Whitehouse, "Computer uses cat's brain to see", BBC News,
October 8, 1999 --<
"In what is bound to become a much debated and highly controversial experiment,
a team of US scientists have wired a computer
to a cat's brain and created videos of what the animal was seeing...

Background - Neuroscience Institutes
Much of the research at these facilities is beneficial.
However, so that the public can understand how applied brain invasive
technologies could negatively affect the future of our world, it is
important to look at the whole picture of research.

It is also important to build a case for the need for legislation
to be put in place to protect against brain invasive technologies
being used without consent or knowledge. Because brain invasive technologies
are not always detectable or provable, the potential exists for criminal
researchers and rogue law enforcement to create a theater of our lives for
their own amusement or to silently persecute citizens with whom they
personally disagree.

Access to the brain is essentially access to the body and its functions.
For instance, someone could be driven to suicide or detrimental actions.
Wireless communications technologies in tandem with neural implants could
facilitate access to our minds.

Although there may be instances where neural implants could help people
with disabilities, to this author, an artist/writer with a disability, it appears
that people with disabilities are, in some cases, being used as an excuse
to develop very invasive research and that neither the public nor
the disability community are being adequately informed of the dangers of the
technologies being developed, of alternative approaches, or of the potential
criminal uses of these technologies.

It is important to remember that if neuro-technologies are being
abused it is not necessarily the inventors of the technologies who are actually
doing this. However, many of the researchers in this field have not adequately
communicated the import of their work. If researchers in this field believe that
socially acceptable benefits of neural technologies may be realized, it is vitally
important that they inform the public of the potential for misuse of these technologies,
as well as set in motion legislation to protect the public and to ensure that no
intelligence agencies, law enforcement or corporations have covert and/or moral
and socially unacceptable access to brain invasive technologies.

The fact that unscrupulous researchers in these fields have not adequately informed
the public of the dangers is a strong indication not only that the source of their
funding is all too often the very agencies that could abuse brain invasive technologies
but also that there are questions about whether or not the potential for abuse
outweighs the potential benefits.

Yet there is hope that if the public is adequately informed and protections
are in place, in the frontiers of neuroscience research there may indeed be
benefits for the disability community and for many others.

Brookhaven National Laboratory Center for Translational
Neuroimaging - Upton, NY

Brown University Department of Neuroscience

California Institute of Technology
_The David Anderson Research Group

The Center for Neural Interfaces, University of Utah (Salt Lake City)

Clemson University Biosensors Lab (Anderson, SC)

Duke University
_Center for Cognitive Neuroscience

Harvard University
_Rowland Institute

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
_Brain and Cognitive Sciences
_The Picower Center for Learning and Memory
_Miller Laboratory

Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Science (Leipzig)

NASA Ames Research Center (Moffett Field, CA)

New York University - Social Neuroscience Laboratory

Nexstim (Finland)
_"Nexstim, Precisely mapping and stimulating the brain", Technology News Daily, July 2, 2006 --

RIKEN Brain Science Institute (Wako City, Saitama, Japan)

SRI International

Trinity College Insitute of Neuroscience - Dublin, Ireland

U.S. Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial
Intelligence (Washington, DC)

U.S. Navy Neural Engineering & Biorobotics

University of California at Berkeley
_Henry Wheeler Brain Imaging
Ayala Ochert, "Making up your mind - Inside Cal's powerful
new brain scanner", California Alumni
_Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute - The University of California at Berkeley
_Redwood Neuroscience Institute - Berkeley, CA

University of California at Los Angeles
_UCLA Hatos Center for Neuropharmacology
_"Brain Research" (about the Brain Research Institute at UCLA)

University of California, San Francisco
_W.M. Keck Foundation Center for Integrative Neuroscience
_The Sloan-Swartz Center for Theoretical Neurobiology

University of Houston
("NSF funds UH science facility")

University of Michigan Neural Engineering Laboratory
_Advanced Neural Implants

University of Indiana
_Stark Neurosciences Research Institute

University of Southern California
_ BMES Engineering Research Center

Vanderbilt University Center for Integrative and Cognitive Neuroscience

Neuroscience Technologies - Corporations

Advanced Brain Monitoring (Carlsbad, CA) --

Brain Fingerprinting Laboratories (Seattle, WA)--

Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems (Foxborough, MA; Salt Lake City, UT)

Psychological Warfare/Psychodrama
Mark Benjamin
_"Psychological warfare -
Angered that their professional organization has adopted a policy condoning
psychologists' participation in "war on terror" interrogations, many
psychologists are vowing to stage a battle royal at the APA's annual meeting."
Salon, July 26, 2006
_"The CIA's torture teachers, Psychologists helped the CIA exploit a secret
military program to develop brutal interrogation tactics -- likely with the
approval of the Bush White House", Salon, June 21, 2007
_"Psychologists to CIA: We condemn torture: In a rebuke
of President Bush, the American Psychological Association has resolved to condemn
brutal CIA and military interrogations", Salon, Aug. 15, 2007
_"Torture teachers, An Army document proves that Guantanamo interrogators
were taught by instructors from a military school that trains U.S. soldiers how to resist
torture." Salon, June 29, 2006

"Biderman's Chart of Coercion" --
(Islamic Society of North America website)

Alston Chase, "Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber", The Atlantic Monthly,
June 2000

Frank Kitson, Low Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency, Peacekeeping.
(Harrisburg PA: Stackpole Books, 1971; Natraj Publishers, 1992
Control of populations is the subtext Kitson's Low Intensity Operations.

The book is chilling in its lack of understanding of the moral and positive
roles of protest, strikes, and the voices of a country's citizen's in
a free country. However, it is instructive in understanding this British Army officer's mindset that
had a pervasive influence on British attempts at covert control of whole populations
-- as evidenced in the British treatment of Ireland -- as well as on covert actions by US
intelligence agencies in South America and against American citizens. (" is in men's minds
that wars of subversion have to be fought and decided." Kitson p. 31)

Nathan Leites and Charles Wolf, Jr., Rebellion and Authority,
Chicago, Markham Publishing Company, 1970. A RAND Corporation Research Study

Through anecdotes and unsubstantiated evidence, Leites and Wolf present a picture
that advocates rational choice (hurting people so that they will conform)
as opposed to constructive choice. (making life better for better)
Given that Rand was influential in formulating Vietnam era policy,
of particular interest is Chapter 6: "Inflicting Damage", pp 90-131.

"Milgram Experiment" -- (Wikipedia)

Stanford Prison Experiment

Carlo Prescott. "The lie of the Stanford Prison Experiment", Stanford Daily, April 28, 2005

Ron Robin, The Making of the Cold War Enemy, Princeton, NJ, Oxford,
UK: Princeton University Press, 2001.
Sets forth the work of many behavioral scientists who formulated
the doctrines of "rational choice" and "repressive counterinsurgency"
and advocated applying these strategies to civilian populations.
See "The Political Significance of Coercive Counterinsurgency" pp. 201-205 in
Chapter 9 "Vietnam - From 'Hearts and Minds' to Rational Choice".

Human Experimentation

Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments --

Eric Alterman, "The Plutonium Files", The Nation, February 10,
2000 --

Military Human Experimentation Congressional Committee Report 103-97,
"Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans' Health? Lessons Spanning
Half a Century", U.S. Senate, December 8, 1994, John D. Rockefeller IV,
West Virginia, Chairman -- (posted on

"MIT, Quaker Oats to settle radiation experiment suit", CNN Interactive,
December 31, 1997 --

Frank D. Roylance, Ariel Sabar and Tom Bowman, "Nerve agents released
in Md. during open-air tests in 60s, Pentagon acknowledges VX, sarin
experiments", Baltimore Sun, 10 October 2002
(on website)

Geoffrey Sea, "The Radiation Story No One Would Touch",
Columbia Journalism Review, March/April 1994 --

"Sour legacy of Tuskegee syphilis study lingers, CNN --

Martha Stephens, The Treatment: The Story of Those Who Died
in the Cincinnati Radiation Tests, Duke University Press, 2002

Carmelo Ruiz-Marrero, "Puerto Ricans Outraged Over Secret Medical
Experiments", Puerto Rico Herald, 2002 --

Geoffrey Sea, "The Radiation Story No One Would Touch",
Columbia Journalism Review, March/April 1994 --

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (
"War May be Hazardous to your Health", America's Defense Monitor, May 9, 1993

Welsome, Eileen, The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical
Experiments in the Cold War, Dial, 1999

Regulations for Human and Animal Experimentation

Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments,
"The Development of Human Subject Research Policy at DHEW" --

Council for International Organizations of Medical
Sciences (CIOMS)in collaboration with the World Health
Organization (WHO) Geneva 1993, "International Ethical
Guidelines for Biomedical Research Using Human Subjects" --

Declaration of Helsinki --
(British Medical Journal, No 7070 Volume 313, 7 December 1996)
also available of the FDA website at

Susan Lederer, "The Cold War and Beyond: Covert and Deceptive
American Medical Experimentation", Military Medical Ethics, V. 2, Chapter 17,
The Borden Institute, 2003 --
The table of contents for Military Medical Ethics v 2 is available at
Chapter 19, Paul J. Amoroso and Lynn L. Wenger,
"The Human Volunteer in Military Biomedical Research" is also of interest.
The authors write that "...scientists may feel justified in risking the well-being
of a few subjects if they believe the benefits to society will far outweigh the risks
imposed on a few individuals. Unfortunately this reasoning has led to grave ethical
and moral violations. Such transgressions can best be avoided by always putting
the rights of the volunteers first."

MIT Committee on the Use of Humans as Experimental Subjects --
Informed Consent --
MIT states that the requirement for informed consent may be waived.
in instances where:
"the research is subject to exempt review" or "the research presents no more than
minimal risk of harm to subjects" or "the principal risk would be potential
harm resulting from a breach of confidentiality, and the signed consent form is
the only record linking the subject and the research"

The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical
and Behavioral Research, "The Belmont Report- Ethical Principles and Guidelines
for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research", April 18, 1979 --
(The National Institutes of Health website)

The Nuremberg Code --
(The National Institutes of Health website)

Office for Human Research Protections Database --

Richard C. Thompson, "Protecting 'Human Guinea Pigs'"
FDA Consumer special report, January 1995 --
"Waiving Informed Consent - Military Use of Non-FDA-Approved Drugs in Combat",
Rand Research Brief, RB-7534 (2000) --

U.C.S.F. Experimental Subject's Bill of Rights --
"California Assembly Bill 1752: Human Experimentation, which became effective
January 1, 1979, provides that all investigators doing a "medical experiment"
must offer their subjects a copy of the "Experimental Subject's Bill of Rights."
Failure to do so may result in civil or criminal penalties."
see also --

In Defense of Animals --

Alternatives to Animal Testing --

Ethics of Neural Interference with Humans and Animals

Bill Joy, "Why the future doesn't need us, Our most powerful 21st-century
technologies - robotics, genetic engineering, and nanotech -
are threatening to make humans an endangered species",
Wired, April 2000 --

mcactivism - Mind Control Activism Group

Mind Justice
_Cheryl Welsh, "Russian Mind Control Weapons...Russians speak openly and pass laws
on russian mind control weapons while the US says US mind control is classified
or does not exist" --

Jonathan D. Moreno, "The Role of Brain Research in National Defense",
Center for American Progress, November 14, 2006 --

Ian Sample, "The brain scan that can read people's intentions, Call for ethical
debate over possible use of new technology in interrogation", The Guardian,
February 9, 2007--

Don Thompson, Associated Press, "California bans transgenic pet fish;
Commissioners reject gene-modified, glow-in-the-dark breed", MSNBC,
December 3, 2003 --

"Silence of the neuroengineers", Nature. 423(6942), June 19, 2003, 787

Eleanor White, "New Devices that 'Talk' to Minds Need Debate,
Controls", American Reporter, March 16, 2000 -- (on

Weather : Use in Warfare

David M. Bearden, "Exemptions from Environmental Law for the
Department of Defense An Overview of Congressional Action," CRS
Report for Congress, May 16, 2005" --
(Federation of American Scientists website)

Michael Chossudovsky, "It's not only greenhouse gas emissions:
Washington's new world order weapons have the ability to trigger climate change",
December 8, 2000 -- (World History Archives website)

Michel Chossudovsky, "The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction:
'Owning the Weather' for Military Use", Centre for Research on
Globalisation --

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile
Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, Treaty Text,
Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977, Entered into force October 5, 1978
Ratification by U.S. President December 13, 1979 -- (U. S. State Department Web Site)

Bob Fitrakis, "Chemtrails outlaw: The government says they don't exist,
but Kucinich wants Congress to take action",
Centre for Research on Globalisation --

Bob Fitrakis, "Weather Warefare", (William Thomas website)

Scott Gilbert, "Environmental Warfare and US Foreign Policy:
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction", Centre for Research on
Globalisation --

Rosalind Peterson, "Controversial Experimental Weather Modification Bill
in US Congress", Environmentalists Against the War, January 16, 2006

"Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons" --
( website)
Includes transcript of DoD News Briefing
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Monday, April 28, 1997 in which
he discusses "an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the
climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of
electromagnetic waves." (Note that Cohen doesn't admit US development of these weapons.)

Col Tamzy J. House and others,
"Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025", Air Force 2005, 1996 --
(Federation of American Scientists website)
In this revealing report, with little consideration for the citizens of our planet,
the Air Force treats global weather as a battleground. In their words:
" is a force multiplier with tremendous power
that could be exploited across the full spectrum of war-fighting environments.
From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via
small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of
global communications and counter-space control, weather-modification offers
the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary..."


Ronald B. Standler, "History and Problems in Weather Modification" --

Among the events Standler cites are US Military ability to control the path
of hurricanes and cause excessive rainfall

Nicholas Tesla -- (Wikipedia)

Review of Tesla's life and experiments which provides background on
Scaler/Electromagnetic/Weather weapons.

Weather Interference

Basic Information on HAARP --
a report from community residents

Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, "HAARP: Vandalism in the Sky?"
Nexus Magazine, 3:1, 1995 (

Rosalie Bertell "Background on the HAARP Project", Earthpulse Press, November 5, 1996 -- (Global Policy Forum)

Ernest J. Sternglass, Secret Fallout, Low-Level Radiation
from Hiroshima to Three Mile Island McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972, 1981 --

Spy Satellites

John C. Baker, Kevin M. O'Connell, and Ray A. Williamson, eds.
Commercial Observation Satellites At the Leading Edge of Global
Transparency, RAND Monographs/Reports MR1229, 2001
This document gives an overview of global access to observation satellites
and addresses the issues of "global transparency" that this has created, including
potentially beneficial information, such as civilian access to information about nuclear
buildup. The framing of "open skies" issues in the context of the rights of photographers
and first amendment rights is important because advocates of privacy rights
should be aware that these issues are also important.

However, this report gives scant coverage to privacy rights, nor does it adequately address
how private citizens could be protected from stalking and harassment by users of satellite
data who spy on their lives and movements.

The assumption of many of the contributors to this report -- that the use
of observation satellites is, for better or worse, here to stay -- should be
re-examined in terms of the importance to human beings of privacy and of
the kind of world we want to live in the future.

William J.Broad, "Commercial Use of Spy Satellites to Begin;
Private Ventures Hope for Profits", The New York Times, February 10, 1997 --

Roger Guillemette, "Trio of NRO Spy Satellites to be Launched During
Next Two Months", September 6, 2001 --

Links to Satellite and Space Imaging Sites --

Oliver Morton, "Private Spy - The world's spy satellites are
going commercial and the national security control freaks are freaking out.
Watch for the next big First Amendment battle over who can see what.
And if you look up, smile.", Wired Magazine, 5:8, August, 1997 --

James Oberg, "Spying for Dummies -The National Security Implications
of Commercial Space Imaging", SPECTRUM Magazine November 1999 --

Dana Priest, "New Stealth Spy Satellite Debated on Hill",
Washington Post, December 11, 2004 -- (on website)

Kenneth Silber, "Analysts Expect Spy Satellite Number to Increase",, 13 September, 1999.

Robert Windrem, "Spy satellites enter new dimension, Computerized
3-D simulations add perspective to surveillance", MSNBC News, August 8, 1998 --

The Altered Environment: Spy Robots

Stephen Graham, "America's robot army", New Statesman, June 12, 2006 --

SRI International, "The Centibots Project"

Bruce Sterling, "Robots and the Rest of Us", Wired, May 2004 --

U. S. Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI),
"Mixed-Initiative Systems for Dynamic Autonomy", --
supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
under the Mobile Autonomous Robot Software program

Weaponization of Space

Bruce Gagnon, "U.S. Seeking Control of the Earth Through Space Technology",
12th Annual Peace Supper in Portland on February 8 --
"In their planning document called Vision for 2020, Space Command says
the US will control space, will dominate space and that we (5% of the
Earth's population) will become the masters of space. The patches
on their uniforms say it already. Masters of Space!
Imagine how that's going over around the world?"

Amy Pincus Merwin, "Planning for Whose Future?
Bruce Gagnon on the complete nuclearization and weaponization of space",
The Peaceworker (Oregon PeaceWorks),
December, 2001- January 2002 -- site/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=549&Itemid=86


Peter Goodchild, Edward Teller: the Real Dr. Strangelove,
Harvard University Press, 2004.

Edward Teller -- (Wikipedia)

New Surveillance Technologies
The research listed here may be in many respects beneficial,
and the listing of projects here is not meant to imply that the
researchers themselves are advocating a surveillance society.
Indeed, it is precisely because researchers are often not in a position
to control "function creep" from their work that we the public should look at
the long term consequences of research that could contribute to surveillance

For instance, technology to scan grocery receipts and analyze purchases
for nutritional content could be beneficial if used personally. But
"function creep" from this research could create a situation --
with overtones of a slave society -- where Insurance companies,
the Armed Forces, and unethical doctors who spy on their patients
for insurance companies, drug companies, and/or DARPA could easily spy
on what everyone eats. Thus, it important to know that such research exists.

Advanced Tracking Technologies, GPS Vehicle Tracking Units --
Big Brother USA: Surveillance Via "Tagging, Tracking, and Locating" The Militarization of U.S. Public Service Agencies

Laurel Federbush, "Big Brother USA: Surveillance Via 'Tagging, Tracking,
and Locating' The Militarization of U.S. Public Service Agencies",, September 3, 2007

Machine Vision Based Traffic Surveillance -- (Caltech)

J. Malik and S. Russell, "A Machine Vision Based Surveillance
System For California Roads", California Partners for Advanced Transit
and Highways --

Aaron Ricadela, "Sensors Everywhere, A 'bucket brigade' of tiny, wirelessly
networked sensors someday may be able to track anything, anytime, anywhere",
InformationWeek, Jan 24, 2005 --

Sarah Yang, "Researchers Create Wireless Sensor Chip The Size Of
Glitter", Space Daily, June 9, 2003 --

John D. Woodward, Jr., (RAND), "Super Bowl Surveillance:
Facing Up to Biometrics" -- (Fathom)

University of California Berkeley Group for User Interface Reseach,
Supporting shopper nutrition --

Steve Wright, "Technologies of Universal Surveillance & Control" --
"...Opposition to economic trade systems such as the WTO is already being described
in terms of terrorism rather than expression of democratic dissent
and the presentation will include examples of the surveillance paraphenalia
being deployed to ensure the maintainance of structures of global inequality..."

Steve Wright, "An appraisal of technologies for political control",
European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Directorate B
The STOA Programme, Luxembourg, 6 January 1998 --

Remote Control

"A Brief History of Precision Guided Weapons,"
Twenty First Century Books --

Markus Jaugitz, German Remote Control Tank Units 1940-1943,
Atglen, PA: Schiffer, Military/Aviation History, 1996

Surveillance and Harassment: NSA/Echelon

James Bamford, Body of Secrets, NY, Doubleday, 2001
pp 420-451 deal with the Echelon system and NSA abuses in
spying on American citizens and citizens of other nations and in exchange
of information with other UKUSA members.

Of particular interest is Shamrock (p. 434) in which US telegraph companies
such as Western Union, secretly gave the NSA access to *all* overseas
communications from American citizens.

Dan Eggen, "Bush Authorized Domestic Spying, Post-9/11 Order
Bypassed Special Court", Washington Post, December 16, 2005

"Ex-Snoop Confirms Echelon Network". CBS News, February 12,2001 --

Democracies usually have laws against spying on the citizens of their
countries, but CBS News reports that according to Canadian intelligence
agent Mike Frost, Echelon members circumvent these laws by asking other member
countries to spy for them.

Nicky Hager, "Exposing the Global Surveillance System",
Covert Action Quarterly no. 59, Winter 1997.
An excerpt from Nicky Hager, Secret Power: New Zealand's Role
in the International Spy Network, Nelson, NZ: Craig Potton, 1996

Lichtblau, Eric and James Risen, "Spy Agency Mined Vast
Data Trove, Officials Report", The New York Times, December 24, 2005 -- 2005/12/24/politics/24spy.html?hp&ex=1135486800&en=7e76956223502390&ei=5094&partner=homepage"

Vernon Loeb, "NSA Admits to Spying on Princess Diana",
Washington Post , December 12, 1998

Wayne Madsen, "NSA intercepts for Bolton masked as 'training missions'" --

Patrick S. Poole, "ECHELON: America's Secrt Global Surveillance Network"

Otis Port with Inka Resch, "They're Listening to Your Calls,
Echelon monitors phones, E-mail, and radio signals", Business Week,
May 31, 1999, pp.110-111. (JYA Public Archive website)

James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, "Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers
Without Courts", The New York Times, December 16, 2005 -- 2005/12/16/politics/16program.html?hp&ex=1134795600&en=c7596fe0d4798785&ei=5094&partner=homepage

Ryan Singel, "Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room", Wired,
April 7, 2006 --

Maureen Webb, Illusions of Security, Global Surveillance and Democracy in
the Post-9/11 World, San Francisco, City Lights, 2007

Lisa Zeff and Jennifer Lawson, Executive Producers, Edward Gray, Producer,
"Security Versus Library", WHUT and ABC News Productions,
PBS America at a Crossroads Website --

Surveillace and Harassment: Military Intelligence

ACLU, "FBI E-Mail Refers to Presidential Order Authorizing
Inhumane Interrogation Techniques - Newly Obtained FBI Records Call
Defense Department's Methods 'Torture,' Express Concerns Over 'Cover-Up'
That May Leave FBI 'Holding the Bag' for Abuses, December 20, 2004 --
"ACLU Report Shows Widespread Pentagon Surveillance of Peace Activists", January 17, 2007 --

David Adams, "Internal Military Interventions in the United States",
Journal of Peace Research, 32:2, 1995, pp. 197-211--

"America's gulag - Stephen Grey uncovers a secret global network of
prisons and planes that allows the US to hand over its enemies for
interrogation, and sometimes torture, by the agents of its more unsavoury
allies," New Statesman, May 17, 2004 -- (on American gulag website)

Amnesty International, "Guantanamo Bay -- a human rights scandal" --

Robert Block and Gary Fields, "Is Military Creeping Into Domestic
Law Enforcement?" The Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2004 --
(CommonDreams website)

Sidney Blumenthal, "This is the new gulag -
Bush has created a global network of extra-legal and secret US prisons
with thousands of inmates", The Guardian, May 6, 2004 --,12271,1210588,00.html

Robert Dreyfuss
"The Pentagon's New Spies - The military has built a vast domestic-intelligence
network to fight terrorism -- but it's using it to track students, grandmothers and
others protesting the war", Rolling Stone, April 18, 2006

Roy Mark, "Pentagon Spy Program Approves Proposals",
dc.internet, March 3, 2003 --
Touted for use against terrorists, these systems could
centralize the tracking of peace activists -- making it extremely easy
to silence them.

Christopher H. Pyle, "Domestic Spying - Again?", Hartford Courant,
November 20, 2002 -- (Mount Holyoke College web site)

Surveillance and Harassment - FBI
Stephan Alexander, Communazis, FBI Surveillance of German Emigre
Writers (Yale University Press, 2000)
Disclosure of the continued FBI spying on German writers and artists
who came to this country to escape Nazi persecution.

In describing Alexander's book, Yale University Press notes that
"Not only the FBI but also the Immigration and Naturalization Service,
the House Un-American Activities Committee, and other
agencies spied on the German emigres. Wiretaps were installed,
mail was routinely opened and read, records of visitors were maintained.
Searches--not always with legal warrants--were conducted, informants
hired, and connections to exile writers established..."

Judi Bari, "FBI Bomb School, and Other Atrocities",
Redwood Summer Justice Project, October 19, 1994

William P. Barrett, "Poetic Injustice - the FBI Files of the Poet
John Ciardi", Adapted from The STAR-LEDGER, Newark, NJ, July 20, 1997 --

William P. Barrett, "The FBI Files of Georgia O'Keeffe",
Crosswinds, July 1977 --

"The Case of Leonard Peltier" --

"Charlie Chaplin", "The Time 100" --

The Great Dictator, by Charlie Chaplin, Clown Ministry -- Resources/chaplin/the-great-dictator-chaplin.html

"The Charlie Chaplin FBI File", Fade to Black Magazine

Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, Feral House, 2000. /-/092291561X/102-3224503-6092940?v=glance

Jonathan Dann, J. Michael Kennedy, "FBI Traitor, Robert Hanssen,
Helped in Search for Subversives - Espionage: Even as he was selling secrets to the
Soviets, Robert Hanssen was a supervisor in an '80s program to monitor U.S.
anti-nuclear and peace activists.", Los Angeles Times, July 29, 2001 --
( - page down for story)

David Hilliard Eaton
(Dictionary of Unitarian & Universalist Biography)

FBI Freedom of Information Act Web Site --
A comparison of the Government whitewash of Nazi war criminal
Arthur Rudolph with the FBI's continued harassing observation of writer
Thomas Mann and union activist Cesar Chavez is particularly instructive.
Rudolph was made Saturn Moon Rocket Project Director by NASA, and the FBI files
repeatedly note: "...consider Rudolph reliable, trustworthy, adaptable, conscientious
and potentially good loyal American..." But eventually Rudolph left
this country rather than face charges for the murder of thousands of concentration
camp workers.

Cesar Chavez and United Farm Workers --

Thomas Mann --

It is disgraceful that this country has provided funding for the FBI to
stalk artists, while government funding for publicly documenting our culture
by arts professionals has been won with difficulty.

Arthur Rudolph --

"Former UC President Clark Kerr, a national leader in higher
education, dies at 92", UC Berkeley News, December 2, 2003 --

Ross Gelbspan, Break-ins, Death Threats and the FBI, the Covert
War Against the Central America Movement, South End Press, 1991 -- obidos/tg/detail/-/0896084124/qid=1118445182/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/102-8599968-2690543?v=glance&s=books&n=507846

Coco Fusco, a/k/a Mrs. George Gilbert, video, 2004 --$tapedetail?AKAMRSGEOR (Video Data Bank)

Allen Ginsberg's FBI File (Modern American Poetry website)

"...Ginsberg said that some of the papers in his file come from related
customs and Treasury Department investigative bureaus. His file crisscrosses
those of other writers. 'They include Leroi Jones, who was the victim of much
more attack than people understand and, in that context, his anger
is understandable,' Ginsberg said. 'Most people don't realize what he and
other black literati have been through, assuming that all past injustices
have been redressed or somehow disappeared out of mind...'"

Brian Glick, War at Home, Covert Action Against U.S. Activists and
What We Can Do About It, South End Press, 1989
This book contains a useful section on "What We Can Do About Domestic
Covert Action"

Hunter Gray, "Organizer 13" --

Fred Hampton -- (Wikipedia)

Margot Hornblower, "Socialists Win Damages, FBI Program of Disruption
Ruled Unconstitutional", The Washington Post, August 26, 1986.
The Post reports that the Court found that from 1960-1976
the FBI planted 1,300 informers in the Socialist party and the
Young Socialist Alliance; the informers were paid a total of $1.7 million.
The Post notes that the Judge found that "During the 1960s one of 10
members of the party were paid by the FBI and three of them ran for public office
on the party's ticket...The FBI committed 193 burglaries, or 'black-bag jobs',
and photographed or removed 9,864 documents..."

Dean Kuipers, "Busting the FBI The Judi Bari verdict bares government
lies and deceit", LA Weekly, June 21 - 27, 2002

Judy Malloy, Revelations of Secret Surveillance, 2004 --

Herbert Mitgang, Dangerous Dossiers, Exposing the Secret War Against America's
Greatest Authors, NY, Donald Fine, 1988.

Mitgang documents FBI and/or US Army Intelligence and CIA surveillance of writers
and artists. Among the writers and artists who were spied on by the US Government were
Sinclair Lewis, Pearl Buck, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Alexander Calder,
Thomas Mann, Carl Sandburg, Dorothy Parker, Nelson Algren, Thornton Wilder,
Lillian Hellman, Truman Capote, and Georgia O'Keeffe. There were 356 pages of
FBI files on novelist Dashiell Hammet and over 600 pages of FBI files on poet
Archibald MacLeish.

Trey Popp, "Rage, in oil on canvas, Picasso's response to the
pure evil of war still unnerves those who wage it",
San Francisco Chronicle, November 28, 2004 -- (Review of Gijs van Hensbergen, Guernica, The Biography of a Twentieth-Century Icon,
Bloomsbury, 2004) --

"...Picasso's FBI file was as detailed and surreal as the some of the painter's Cubist compositions.
A Republican congressman from Michigan, George Dondero, labeled him a dangerous subversive,
declared avant-garde artists' collectives to be Communist cells and threatened that 'critics
who support modern art should be attended to..."

Natalie Robins, Alien Ink: The FBI's War on Freedom of Expression,
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. p. 213

Robins documents FBI surveillance of writers. Among the many writers who were spied
on for years by the US Government were James Agee, Allen Ginsberg, Ernest Hemingway,
John Cheever, Randall Jarrell, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Muriel Rukeyser,
Langston Hughes, James Thurber, Kay Boyle and Mark Van Doren. There were at least
1,429 pages in novelist James Baldwin's FBI file.

Seth Rosenfeld, "Ex-UC chief calls FBI actions despicable"
Clark Kerr reacts to Chronicle report on bureau misdeeds",
San Francisco Chronicle -- cgi-bin/artbicle.cgi?file=/c/a/2002/06/10/MN64831.DTL

Seth Rosenfeld, "Mario Savio's FBI Odyssey", San Francisco Chronicle,
October 10, 2004 -- article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/10/10/CMGP08OOFI1.DTL

Seth Rosenfeld, "Reagan, Hoover, and the UC Red Scare",
Chronicle Special Report, San Francisco Chronicle --

Jack Ryan -- (Profiles of Giraffe Heroes)

Jean Seberg
FBI fabricates story about Seberg's pregnancy and then publicizes their lie

Jean Seberg, Actress, November 13, 1938 - September 08, 1979 Obituaries/ObitShow.cfm?Obituary_ID=28655§ion=pin

"Serrano Sends FBI Files with New FUPI Documents" --

"'It is only fitting that these documents be delivered to Puerto Rico
where many of these activities took place, where it has been known that
the FBI targeted professors, university students, and so many others.'"

"John Steinbeck FBI Files" --

An example of FBI spending taxpayer's money on literary criticism focused
on how the Bureau was portrayed.

Anthony Summers, Official and Confidential,
The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, NY, G.P.Putnam's, 1993.

M. Wesley Swearingen, FBI Secrets, An Agent's Expose, Boston,
MA: South End Press, 1995.

U.S. Senate, "Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans",
Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence, U.S. Senate, 94th Congress, end Session, 1976
(The Church Committee)-- (Paul Wolf's Cointelpro Website) (Paul Wolf's Cointelpro Website)
Includes Church Committee reports on "Intelligence Activities and the Rights
of Americans".

The following is part of Church Committee findings on "Using Covert Action
to Disrupt and Discredit Domestic Groups":

"The Committee finds that covert action programs have been used to disrupt
the lawful political activities of individual Americans and groups and to
discredit them, using dangerous and degrading tactics which are abhorrent
in a free and decent society.


(a) Although the claimed purposes of these action programs were to protect
the national security and to prevent violence, many of the victims were concededly
nonviolent, were not controlled by a foreign power, and posed no threat to the national

(b)The acts taken interfered with the First Amendment rights of citizens.
They were explicitly intended to deter citizens from joining groups,
"neutralize" those who were already members, and prevent or inhibit the
expression of ideas.

(c) The tactics used against Americans often risked and sometimes caused serious emotional,
economic, or physical damage. Actions were taken which were designed to break up marriages,
terminate funding or employment, and encourage gang warfare between violent rival groups.
Due process of law forbids the use of such covert tactics, whether the victims are
innocent law-abiding citizens or members of groups suspected of involvement in violence.

(d) The sustained use of such tactics by the FBI in an attempt to
destroy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., violated the law and fundamental human decency."

David A. Vise, The Bureau and the Mole, the Unmasking of Robert Philip Hanssen,
the Most Dangerous Double Agent in FBI History, NY, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002.

David Whitehouse, "FBI campaign against Einstein revealed",
BBC News, 8 June, 2002 --
(review of Fred Jerome, "The Einstein File", NY, St Martin's Press)

John Wiener, Gimme Some Truth: The John Lennon FBI Files,
University of California Press, 1999.
The value of the Freedom of Information Act and the way the "culture of secrecy"
undermines democracy are underscored in this account of Wiener's difficulty
in obtaining FBI and CIA files that revealed spying for political motives on John Lennon.
The role of Britain's M15 in suppressing this information is also discussed.
There is an associated website:
John Lennon FBI Files --

Jon Wiener, "Lennon's MI5-FBI Files", The Nation, February 23, 2000 --

Nicholas Wilson, "The Judi Bari Bombing Revisited; Big Timber,
Public Relations and the FBI", Monitor Publishing --
_Judi Bari
"The jury clearly found that six of the seven FBI and OPD defendants
framed Judi and Darryl in an effort to crush Earth First! and chill
participation in Redwood Summer. That was evident in the fact that 80%
of the $4.4 million total damage award was for violation of their
First Amendment rights to speak out and organize politically
in defense of the forests.

Surveillance and Harassment - FBI - 2000-
ACLU, "New Documents Show FBI Targeting Environmental and Animal Rights
Groups Activities as `Domestic Terrorism'", December, 20, 2005 --

"ACLU Denounces FBI Tactics Targeting Political Protesters",
August 16, 2004 --

Bob Barr, "The FBI's Pre-Emptive Interrogations Of 'Possible'
Demonstrators: Chilling Political Speech", FindLaw, August 25, 2004 --
"...No chilling effect? In the last few months, evidence has been
mounting that special agents are showing up at the homes and offices of
potential protesters - casting suspicion upon them in front of bosses,
colleagues, family, friends and neighbors. This activity apparently has
increased as the Republican Convention and the November election draw near.
If that's not a chilling effect, I don't know what is. The price
of free speech should not be a high-profile FBI visit that makes all who
know you wonder if you may be a criminal..."

"COINTELPRO Again?", NOW with Bill Moyers, March 5, 2004 --

Dan Eggen and Robert O'Harrow Jr., "U.S. Steps Up Secret Surveillance
FBI, Justice Dept. Increase Use of Wiretaps, Records Searches",
Washington Post, March 24, 2003 --

Barton Gellman, "The FBI's Secret Scrutiny; In Hunt for Terrorists,
Bureau Examines Records of Ordinary Americans", The Washington Post,
November 6, 2005 --

Eric Lichtbau, The New York Times, "FBI monitors activists,
court documents show Groups say Bush is trying to stifle political opponents",
San Francisco Chronicle, July 18, 2005 --

David Lindorff, "Ashcroft's Cointelpro, Neutralizing Dissent in
America", CounterPunch, November 25, 2003 --

PBS Online NewsHour, "New Patriot Act Questions", Margaret Warner
interviews Barton Gellman, November 7, 2005 --

Lisa Zeff and Jennifer Lawson, Executive Producers, Edward Gray, Producer,
"Security Versus Library", WHUT and ABC News Productions,
PBS America at a Crossroads Website --

Infiltration - The OSS

Anthony Cave Brown, The Last Hero: Wild Bill Donovan,
NY: Times Books, 1982.

Carey, Frank, "It's Anthropologists' Plan To Prevent Future Wars", The Washington Post, April 19, 1942.

Carleton S. Coon, Harvard, Conrad M. Arensberg, Brooklyn College, and Eliot D. Chapple, Harvard
Medical School and President of the Society for Applied Anthropology propose
a "United States of the World" with a world police force that would control
the whole federation. The proposal would seem merely ludicrous
but for the fact that subsequently Carleton Coon was chosen by "Wild Bill"
Donovan as an agent of the fledging OSS.(that later became the CIA)
Anthony Cave Brown (Anthony Cave Brown, The Last Hero: Wild Bill Donovan,
NY: Times Books, 1982, pp. 269-270) quotes a memo from Coon to Donovan in which
Coon not only advocates political assassination but also suggests that a group
of men be chosen for this purpose from the OSS and the British SOE.

One of the other men who proposed this global police state (couched in idealistic language) was
Eliot Chapple, an early brain wave researcher. See Waldemar Kaempffert, "Science in the News: Brain
Waves", The New York Times, July 7, 1940 for a report of Eliot Chapple's use of brain
wave recordings in the study of relationships.

Richard Harris Smith, OSS, The Secret History of America's First Central
Intelligence Agency, Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press, 2005
An impressive and detailed history of OSS operations that contributes greatly
to an understanding of the devious and counterproductive operations now controlled
by the management of OSS successor, the Central Intelligence Agency

Surveillance and Harassment - CIA
A CIA Reading List -- (Serendipity website)

Bob Egelko, "Enough evidence for trial of CIA drugging",
San Francisco Chronicle, May 25, 2004 -- article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/05/25/BAGMH6R8OU1.DTL

Allen Ginsberg
"CIA Dope Calypso' --

Sidney Gottlieb (Wikipedia)

Seymour M. Hersh, "Huge C.I.A. Operation Reported in U.S. Against
AntiWar Forces, Other Dissidents in Nixon Years, Helms Reportedly Got
Surveillance Data in Charter Violation", The New York Times,
December 22, 1974.

"Mind-Control Studies Had Origins in Trial of Mindszenty", New
York Times, August 2, 1977. p. 16

"...The C.I.A. men who led the way, enlisting the support of the Army,
the Navy, the Air Force, the Departments of Agriculture, Health, Education and
Welfare and several other agencies, acknowledged among themselves that much of
what they were setting out to do was 'unethical', bordered on the illegal and would be
repugnant to the American people. So they made certain that these activities were tightly
held, known only to the director, Allen W. Dulles, and a handful of operatives and
high-ranking aides...."

MKULTRA Documents -- (parascope website)

Although not all the links on this site are working,
but the ones that are very revealing as regards the agency's development of
substances and tricks to cause impulsive behavior, to enhance the effects of alcohol;
to produce amnesia; to produce pain and numbness; to produce anxiety; and to alter
people's environment by displacing objects.

MK-Ultra: The CIA and Radiation Interim Report of the Advisory Committee
on Human Radiation Experiments Appendix, pp. E-1.1 to 1.6 (on EarthOps website)--
"CIA documents and a 1963 CIA Inspector General (IG) report however state
quite clearly that MKULTRA was a program 'concerned with research and development
of chemical. biological. and radiological materials capable
of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.'"

National Security Archive, "The CIA's Family Jewels;
Agency Violated Charter for 25 Years,
Wiretapped Journalists and Dissidents", June 27, 2007

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2, The Contras,
Cocaine,and Covert Operations --

Frank Olson Legacy Project --

Robert Parry, "How John Kerry Exposed the Contra-Cocaine Scandal",, October 25 2004 --

Dana Priest, "CIA Is Expanding Domestic Operations, More Offices,
More Agents With FBI", Washington Post, October 23, 2002

"Professor McCoy Exposes the History of CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War
to the War on Terror", Democracy Now, February 17th, 2006 --

Peter Dale Scott, Drugs, Oil, and War: The United States in Afghanistan,
Colombia, and Indochina, Rowman & Littlefield, 2003
Preface --
Frances Stonor Saunders' in The Cultural Cold War,
The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters, NY: The New Press, 1999.
published in the UK< as Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the Cultural
Cold War, Granta, 1999)

Gary Webb, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack
Cocaine Explosion, Seven Stories Press, 1999 -- ASIN/1888363932/qid=1091559832/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/104-1096280-5293536

Wicker, Tom, "The Truth is Needed", The New York Times,
December 24, 1974.
"...Congress, the White House, the American people have been assured
repeatedly that the C.I.A., barred by law from any operations within the United States, does
not conduct such operations. Now The New York Times has published strong allegations
that the agency did just that -- and these allegations are supported by Mr. Ford's
[President Ford] refusal to say that internal surveillances had not been carried on in the
past, and by his concession that he had some of the information in The Times' article
before it appeared..."

Surveillance - Civilian Government Agencies

EFF Urges FCC Not to Mandate Surveillance Regime on Internet,
November 12, 2004 --

Electronic Privacy Information Center,
"Department of Homeland Security Obtained Data on Arab Americans From
Census Bureau" --

Electronic Privacy Information Center, The Census and Privacy

Ryan Singel. "Post Office Approves 10K Mail Spying Requests Annually", Wired, March 6, 2008

Mike Whitney, "The Secret Raids of Alberto Gonzales - Operation Falcon:
10,000 Swept Up", counterpunch, May 18, 2005

Surveillance - State and City

ACLU of Northern California, The State of Surveillance:
Government Monitoring of Political Activity in Northern & Central
California, July 2006 --

Dasun Allah, "A look inside the NYPD's secret "Hiphop Task Force"
NYPD Admits to Rap Intelligence Unit", Village Voice,
March 23, 2004 --

American Civil Liberties Union, "Homeland Security Gave Pentagon
Information on Anti-War Student Groups in California", July 18, 2006

American Civil Liberties Union, "CO Springs Police Conducted
Surveillance for Denver 'Spy Files,' ACLU Reveals" --
The ACLU reports that the Colorado Springs Police department not only
spies on peaceful critics of government policy and but also sends information
about peace activists to the Denver Police Department's controversial
"spy files."

American Civil Liberties Union, "What Is The Matrix? ACLU Seeks
Answers on New State-Run Surveillance Program --

Code Pink, "California National Guard Caught Spying on
Women's Peace Groups" -- (press release, June 30, 2005)

Democracy Now, "Senseless Killings, Flagrant Abuse of Police Power,
Willful Disregard of Prisoners' Rights" - A Look at Maricopa County Sheriff
Joe Arpaio" , September 28, 2004 --

Robert Dreyfuss, "The Cops Are Watching You", The Nation,
May 16, 2002

EPIC, Observing Surveillance -- documents the presence of video cameras placed in Washington DC after September 11.

Robert O'Harrow Jr., "Centers Tap Into Personal Databases, State Groups Were
Formed After 9/11", Washington Post, April 2, 2008

Chisun Lee, "The NYPD Wants to Watch You - Nation's Largest Law Enforcement
Agency Vies for Total Spying Power", Village Voice, December 18 - 24, 2002,lee,40627,1.html

Dion Nissenbaum, "Program raises spying concern, State National Guard
Unit Set Up to Deter Terrorism Monitored Anti-War Rally", San Jose Mercury,
June 25, 2005

Dion Nissenbaum, "National Guard erases data related to intelligence unit"
San Jose Mercury, July 6, 2005

Ben Jacklet, "The Secret Watchers - How the police bureau spied for decades
on the people of Portland" Portland Tribune, September 13, 2002 --

Seth Rosenfeld, "Reagan, Hoover, and the UC Red Scare", a
Chronicle Special Report, San Francisco Chronicle --

Julie Salamon, "In Post-9/11 World, Police Star in Artist's Video",
The New York Times, June 12, 2004 --

James Sterngold, "U.S. seizes [California] state prison health care
Judge cites preventable deaths of inmates, 'depravity' of system",
SF Chronicle, July 1, 2005 -- MNGOCDHPP71.DTL&hw=prisons+Henderson&sn=002&sc=474

"Western Goals Enjoined From Using LAPD Spy Files,
The Washington Post, April 19, 1984.

"...groups as the Alliance for Survival
and Asian Americans for Equality in this suit were singers Joan Baez,
Jackson Browne, and Bonnie Raitt, actors Richard Dreyfuss, Mike Farrell
and Susan Sarandon, producer Norman Lear, writer Studs
Terkel, and philanthropist Max Palevsky.
All said they were mentioned in the files maintained by the now-disbanded
Public Disorder Intelligence Division of the Los Angeles Police Department
as part of a conspiracy to stiffle their 'advocacy of political

Surveillance, Harassment, Gross Negligence - Military Industrial Complex

ACLU, "Emerging 'Surveillance-Industrial Complex' Is Turbo-Charging
Government Monitoring, ACLU Warns in New Report", August 9, 2004 --

William J.Broad, "Commercial Use of Spy Satellites to Begin;
Private Ventures Hope for Profits", The New York Times, February 10, 1997 --

Corpwatch, "General Electric" -- (The Corpwatch War Profiteers website)

The history of W.R. Grace & Co., Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
November 18, 1999 --

Gerard Colby, DuPont Dynasty. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1984, 1974 -
High cancer rates in DuPont workers are discussed on pp. 714-715

R.J. Hillhouse, "Who Runs the CIA? Outsiders for Hire", Washington Post, July 8, 2007--

Audrey Hudson, "Inquiry sought into airline's data transfer to NASA",
The Washington Times --

Audrey Hudson, "NASA 'deidentified' passengers", The Washington
Times, January 23, 2004 --

C.W. Nevius, "Nuclear workers' heartbreak", San Francisco Chronicle,
August 2, 2005 --

Stephen H. Norwood, Strikebreaking and Intimidation
Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America, University of North
Carolina Press, 2002
The section on "The Emergence of the Anti-Labor Mercenary" is available
on the University of North Carolina Press website at

Dan Vergano, "Private spy satellite can peer anywhere",, August 29, 2001 --

Tim Weiner, "Lockheed and the Future of Warfare", The New York Times,
November 28, 2004 -- ( website)

Steve Wright, "Technologies of Universal Surveillance & Control" --
"...Opposition to economic trade systems such as the WTO is already being described
in terms of terrorism rather than expression of democratic dissent and the presentation
will include examples of the surveillance paraphenalia being deployed to ensure the maintainance
of structures of global inequality..." (

Steve Wright, "An appraisal of technologies for political control",
European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Directorate B
The STOA Programme, Luxembourg, 6 January 1998

Total Information Awareness, MATRIX, and related programs

"ACLU Feature on MATRIX", March 8, 2005 --

"ACLU Unveils Disturbing New Revelations About MATRIX Surveillance Program",
May 20, 2004 --

David Coursey, "How MS will know ALL about you",
ZDNet, April 18, 2003 --

Simson Garfinkel, Database Nation, Sebastopol, CA,
O'Reilly, 2000--

Letter from the Association for Computing Machinery's U.S.
Public Policy Committee, expressing concerns about the Total Information
Awareness (TIA) Program --

Tamara E. McFarren, "The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
is leveraging the power of geospatial intelligence as a baseline
for integrating other intelligence disciplines and developing concepts
for intelligence support based on persistent collection and analysis",
Military Geospatial Technology -

Noah Shachtman, "A Spy Machine of DARPA's Dreams", Wired,
May. 20, 2003 --,1367,58909,00.html?tw=wn_story_related

Katherine Pfleger Shrader, "Spy imagery agency watching inside U.S.",
USA Today, September 26, 2004 --

Total "Terrorism" Information Awareness --

Mike Banks Valentine, "DARPA, Paranoia and TIA - Terrorist Information
Awareness", WebSite 101 --

Maureen Webb, Illusions of Security, Global Surveillance and Democracy in
the Post-9/11 World, San Francisco, City Lights, 2007

Surveillance and Harassment:
US Intelligence Agencies in Other Countries

James Jay Carafano. "Abu Ghraib: Shameful Action Calls for
Strong Response", The Heritage Foundation, May 10, 2004 --
The conservative Heritage Foundation condemns the abuses at Abu Ghraib.

Stephen Grey and Don Van Natta Jr., "Italian Judge Orders Arrest
of 13 CIA Operatives for Kidnapping", The New York Times,
June 24, 2005 -- 2005/06/24/international/europe/24cnd-milan.html?hp&ex=1119672000&en=f2537cb9c32da240&ei=5094&partner=homepage

Seymour M. Hersh, "Torture at Abu Ghraib, American soldiers brutalized Iraqis.
How far up does the responsibility go?" The New Yorker, May 10, 2004 --

Human Rights Watch, "Ending the Abusive Treatment of Prisoners" --

Vernon Loeb, "NSA Admits to Spying on Princess Diana", Washington Post,
December 12, 1998; Page A13 --

John Stockwell, "The Inner Workings of the National Security Council
and the CIA's Covert Actions in Angola, Central America and Vietnam",
"The Secret Wars of the CIA" Pt I --
(The Other Americas Radio, Third World Traveler Web Site)

"Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights",
Democracy Now, September 15, 2006 --
Amy Goodman talks with A.C. Thompson and Trevor Paglen
"As President Bush admits the existence of secret overseas
CIA prisons, we take a look at the U.S. government's shadowy
program of extraordinary rendition with the authors of the new
book: "Torture Taxi: On the Trail of the CIA's Rendition Flights..."

Craig Whitlock, "New Swedish Documents Illuminate CIA Action
Probe Finds 'Rendition' Of Terror Suspects Illegal", Washington Post,
May 21, 2005 --

Witness, "Outlawed: Extraordinary Rendition, Torture, and Disappearances
in the 'War on Terror'", 2006

British Intelligence
"German Offensive in the Ardennes 1944 - Enigma and the Ultra Secret"
-- royalsignalsmuseum/PostalCovers/EnigmaUltraSecret.htm (The British Army)

1994 Britain's Dirty War -- (Irish Northern Aid web site)

Tom Hayden
"British Role in NI is a Model for Disaster", Irish America departments/britishrole.asp

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Quiet Canadian, the Secret Service Story of Sir William Stephenson, Constable, 1962.

Frank Kitson, "Low Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency, Peacekeeping",
Harrisburg PA: Stackpole Books, 1971.
_review by Dale Wharton --

Impressment. Wikipedia --
The British Navy's impressment of over 6,000 American sailors
was one of the causes of the War of 1812.

Charles Berlitz with the collaboration of J. Manson Valentine,
The Bermuda Triangle Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1974.
Although Berlitz does not cite this as a possible cause,
the finding of so many ships without their crews in the vicinity of Bermuda
from where the British sailed to burn Washington and the White House in 1814
and where they held a military presence until 1957 and an espionage station
during WWII, suggests the possibility of impressment by the British. Bermuda was
where the British imprisoned Irish slaves and the Scots who fought Cromwell in the
17th century. See Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince, Frommer's Bermuda 2006
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2006. pp 225-229 for a History of the British presence in Bermuda.

Rob Evans, "MI6 pays out over secret LSD mind control tests,Truth drug' trials
men win out of court settlement, Porton Down accused of duping volunteers in 50s"
The Observer, , February 24, 2006,,1716691,00.html

Mahl, Thomas, Desparate Deception, British Covert Operations in
the United States, 1939-44, Brassey's, 1998.
Mahl documents the activities of British Intelligence espionage in the United State
(The British Security Coordination - BSC) including surveillance of American citizens,
disruption of public gatherings, subversion of the press, and attempts to discredit the labor

Bruce Page, David Leitch, Phillip Knightley, The Philby Conspiracy,
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1968.

Thomas F. Troy, Wild Bill and Intrepid, New Haven & London,
Yale University Press, 1996.

Retired CIA Staff Officer Thomas F. Troy quotes a memorandum from Asst. Secretary
of State Adolf Berle in which he expresses concern that Stephenson was creating
"a full size secret police and intelligence service". (p. 74, pp 188-189)
Note that according to a memo from J. Edgar Hoover to Berle, in addition to the office in New York City,
Stephenson had agents in Baltimore, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Houston.
The likelihood that Stephenson's deputy, Colonel Charles H. ("Dick") Ellis was a Nazi
spy and possibly also a Soviet spy is discussed on pp. 14-15 and p. 160.

William Stevenson, A Man Called Intrepid, Guilford, CT,
The Lyons Press, 1976.
In which British Intelligence boasts about subverting American democracy
including murdering alleged spies on American soil without the benefit of a

Jon Wiener, "Lennon's MI5-FBI Files", The Nation, February 23, 2000 --

Donald E. Wilkes, "The Assassination of Ashley Wilkes", The Athens
Observer, June 8, 1995 -- profiles/dwilkes_more/other_1ashley.html (The University of Georgia School of Law)
"...When the Ultra secret was disclosed long after WW2 ended, the public
learned that the Allies had broken the Nazi codes for most of the war. Subsequently it
was also revealed that the British had known in advance of possible German plans to
intercept the airliner. To avoid compromising the Ultra secret, the British did not pass
on their knowledge to the airline.."

Abuses by Intelligence Agencies from Other Countries

Greenpeace, The Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace, "The Bombing that Shocked the World"

Marlise Simons, "Report Says Mitterrand Approved Sinking of Greenpeace Ship",
The New York Times, July 10, 2005 --

Surveillance, Harassment,Infiltration: Mercenaries - Vance, Wackenhut

Stephen H. Norwood, Strikebreaking and Intimidation
Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America, University of North
Carolina Press, 2002
The section on "The Emergence of the Anti-Labor Mercenary" is available
on the University of North Carolina Press website at

"Prison Privatisation", Corporate Watch, no 11, Summer 2000 --

Phil Shannon, Stephen H. Norwood, "[Review of] Strikebreaking and
Intimidation: Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America,
University of North Carolina Press/Chapel Hill, 2002",
Melbourne Indymedia, March 25, 2005 --

Robert Michael Smith, From Blackjacks to Briefcases: a History of
Commercialized Strike Breaking and Unionbusting in the United States,
Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio, 2003.
Interference with driving of Union members by Vance International Asset Protection
Team employees staging incidents is discussed on p 125. This section of the book
also details the use of high tech surveillance equipment by union busting detective agencies.

"Violence and the Newspaper Strike", Solidarity

Jerry White, "Private security company in Iraq suppressed
labor struggles in US", World Socialist Website, May 7, 2004 --

Mike Zielinski
"Armed and Dangerous: Private Police on the March",
Covert Action Quarterly

Jeff Donn, "FBI's bargain written in blood,
Blind eye turned to mob informers", The Associated Press

"For more than 20 years, FBI headquarters knew that its Boston agents
were using hit men and mob leaders as informers and shielding them from
prosecution for serious crimes, including murder..."

Frank J. Donner, "The Theory and Practice of American
Political Intelligence", The New York Review of Books,
16:7, April 22, 1971 --

Brian Glick, War at Home, Covert Action Against U.S.
Activists and What We Can Do About It, South End Press, 1989

Ritt Goldstein, "US planning to recruit one in 24 Americans as
citizen spies", The Sydney Morning Herald, July 15 2002 --

Margot Hornblower, "Socialists Win Damages, FBI Program of Disruption
Ruled Unconstitutional", The Washington Post, August 26, 1986.
"...According to the court, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
planted 1,300 informers in the party and its offshoot, the Young Socialist Alliance,
between 1960 and 1976, paying them a total of $1.7 million.

Thomas McEvilley, "Arnold Mesches at P.S. 1 - New York -
exhibition of the artist's work uses deals with investigation of him
conducted by Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1945-1972,
Art in America, Oct, 2003

Jim Redden, Snitch Culture, How Citizens Are Turned into the
Eyes and Ears of the State, Feral House, 2000 --

U. S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations
with Respect to Intelligence Activities, "The Use of Informants in FBI
Domestic Intelligence Investigations," April 23, 1976 -- (Paul Wolf's COINTELPRO web site)
Although it provides only limited information, this report does conclude that
"The intelligence informant technique is not a precise instrument.
By its very nature,it risks governmental monitoring of
Constitutionally-protected activity and the private lives of Americans.
Unlike electronic surveillance and wiretaps, there are few standards
and no outside review system for the use of intelligence informants.
Consequently, the risk of chilling the exercise of First Amendment
rights and infringing citizen privacy is increased. In addition, existing
guidelines for informant conduct, particularly with respect to their
role in violent organizations and FBI use of intelligence informants
to obtain the private documents of groups and individuals, need to be
clarified and strengthened."

Demian Bulwa, "OAKLAND: Police spies chosen to lead war protest,"
San Francisco Chronicle, July 28, 2006 --

Keith David Cooley, The Redlands Bust: When the British Establishment tried to get the Rolling Stones

Perpetrators --
(A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust)

Mobbing/Gang Stalking
David Lawson, Cause Stalking, North Palm Beach, FL:
Scrambling News, 2007

Writers, artists and activists who wonder why traffic patterns, noise,
lights and other interference in their vicinity seem maliciously controlled
will be interested in this book which effectively identifies organized "gang
stalking" techniques. The book is better in its identification of gang stalking
techniques that it is in its analysis of who the perpetrators actually are.

Robert Michael Smith, From Blackjacks to Briefcases: a History of
Commercialized Strike Breaking and Unionbusting in the United States,
(Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio, 2003)
Robert Michael Smith reports on the use of high tech surveillance equipment by Union busting
detective agencies, as well as interference with the automobile driving environment of
Union members by strikebreaking thugs from Vance International Asset Protection Team.

Case Summary: Eleanor White
An important personal account of organized stalking against a woman computer programmer

"Bullying" (42EXplore)

Lynn Stuter, "Are You Really Crazy, or Are You Being Gang-Stalked",, January 10, 2006--
Although I do not agree with much of her other writing, this article is
one of the clearest that I have seen on the issue of Gang-stalking,
and it points out that some members of the right as well the left are being subjected
to "mobbing" harassment -- the practice of groups of people following
activists and interfering with their lives.

Gang Stalking - Possible War Game Connections
Although there is no evidence that the specific projects listed below have disrupted
the lives of innocent civilians (or that the researchers involved in these projects
have designed field experiments targeting civilians) certain military research and
Operations Plans suggest research and attack strategies that could potentially result
in illegal field experiments that "target" civilians in the areas of traffic and driving
disruption in war game simulations; theft of supplies; destruction of equipment;
the use of robots/robotic devices to create disturbances; the mapping of human response
to invasive cognitive research; and contingently the effect of stress on cognition.

Bruce B. Auster and Kevin Whitelaw,"Upping the Ante for Kim Jong Il
Pentagon Plan 5030, a new blueprint for facing down North Korea",
U.S. News & World Report, July 13, 2003 --

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), "Biologically-Inspired
Cognitive Architectures (BICA), Proposer Information Pamphlet"

Stephen Graham, "America's robot army", New Statesman, June 12, 2006 --

P. A. Hancock and W.C. Harris, "Information Processing Following Extended Stress",
In: Final Report on Navy Project: Grant Number N00014-99-1-1034,
University of Minnesota Human Factors Research Laboratory, 2000
Oplan 5030 -- (

Cauligi Raghavendra, UCLA, "Aerospace Technical Support for DARPA Network Modeling
and Simulation Program and Cognitive Networks", Storming Media --

Sebastian Sprenger, "Congress balks at DOD's 'strategic communication' plans",, August 14, 2007 --
"strategic communication" is, in this instance, basically a euphemism for
psychological operations designed to erode morale.

Harassment Technologies

US Air Force Wright Laboratory, "Harassing, Annoying, and 'Bad Guy' Identifying
Chemicals", US Air Force Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, June 1994 (available on The Sunshine Project website)

Background: Concentration of Power

American Security Council (Right Web - Group Watch)

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (Group Watch)

Council on Foreign Relations (Wikipedia)

"The Enterprise"
_The Iran-Contra Scandal in Perspective, Digital National Security Archive --

Project for the New American Century -- (Wikipedia)

Skull and Bones -- (Wikipedia)

Alexandra Robbins, "Book Excerpt: The Legend of Skull and Bones" --
(from Alexandra Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones,
the Ivy League and the Hidden Paths of Power, Back Bay Books, 2003)

Bohemian Grove
Bohemian Grove Action Network --

"Inside Look at Those Elite Religious Groups",
US News & World Report, March 19, 1984 -- ( website)

David G. Guyatt, "The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican's Intelligence Apparatus",
Nexus Magazine, 7:5, September-October 2000 -- ( website)

Martin A. Lee, "Their Will Be Done, Let the pope keep the kingdom and
the glory -- the CIA wants the power", Mother Jones --
The article sets forth connections between the CIA and the Knights of Malta

Surveillance - John Birch Society and Other
Far Right Organizations
John Birch Society/Western Goals

Birch Society Asks Members to Help Compile Red-Sympathizer
Dossiers, The Washington Post, Times Herald, July 7, 1961.

Otis Chandler, "Peril to Conservatives", Los Angeles Times,
March 12, 1961. Following a series of Los Angeles Times articles by Gene Blake,
which exposed the beliefs and methods of the JBS, LA Times
Publisher Otis Chandler editorialized against the JBS and its methods,
concluding that "Subversion, whether it is of the left or the right, is still subversion."

"Democracy is 'Worst' Birch Founder Asserts", The Washington Post,
Times Herald, May 22, 1961.

Lisa McGirr, Suburban Warriors, the Origins of the New American Right,
Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2001

Portland Tribune -- "The Secret Watchers" --
_Ben Jacklet, "Portland police terrorism expert Winfield Falk hated that
his life's work was sentenced to die in the shredder," Portland Tribue, September 13, 2002 --
"Welch Reveals Names of Birch Council Members", Los Angeles Times, April 1, 1961.
They included William J. Grede, former President of the National Association of
Manufacturers; T. Coleman Andrews, former U.S Comissioner of Internal Revenue;
Ralph E, Davis, President of General Plant Protection Corp. Los Angeles;
Clarence Manion, former Dean of Notre Dean University Law School; Revilo B. Oliver,
University of Illinois Professor; Spruille Braden, former Asst. Secretary of State,
and Dr. N.E. Adamson Jr., Assistant Medical Director of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company.

"Western Goals Enjoined From Using LAPD Spy Files,
The Washington Post, April 19, 1984.
Joan Baez, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Richard Dreyfuss, Mike Farrell,
Susan Sarandon, Norman Lear, Studs Terkel, and Max Palevsky.
were included in the LAPD files to which JBS affiliate group Western Goals was given access.

Other far Right Organizations

American Security Council (Right Web - Group Watch)

Chip Berlet, "The Maldon Institute",, Political Research Associates --

Ross Gelbspan, "Heart of Terror Network, From FBI to NSC, Oliver North's
Private Network Epidemic of Terrorism Continued Completing Cover-Up" --
(Third World Travelor website) excerpted from Ross Gelbspan,
Break-ins, Death Threats and the FBI, the Covert War Against the Central
America Movement, South End Press, 1991.

Klu Klux Klan

Leaflet Circulated by the KKK in Mississippi in 1964 -- ftrials/price&bowers/Klan.html

"A Hundred Years of Terror," A special report prepared by the Southern
Poverty Law Center --
This history of the Klu Klux Klan points out that not only did the Klan
attack blacks, it also attacked women.
"..In a period when many women were fighting for the vote, for a place in the job market,
and for personal and cultural freedom, the Klan claimed to stand for
'pure womanhood' and frequently attacked women who sought independence..."

ADL, "The Ku Klux Klan: Legacy of Hate" --

Eric Pianin, "A Senator's Shame - Byrd, in His New Book, Again Confronts
Early Ties to KKK", Washington Post, June 19, 2005 --

House Unamerican Activities Committee

Eric Bentley, Thirty Years of Treason, Excerpts from Hearings
Before the House Committee on Un-American Activities 1938-1968,
New York, Thunder's Mouth Press/Nation Books, 2002.

"'I Have Sung in Hobo Jungles, and I Have Sung for the Rockefellers':
Pete Seeger Refuses to 'Sing' for HUAC",
(House Unamerican Activities Committee, August 18, 1955) -- (History Matters)

Corporate, Military, and Government Attacks on Unions
David Adams, "The Era of Industrial Warfare", in David Adams,
"Internal Military Interventions in the United States",
Journal of Peace Research, 32:2, 1995 --

David Bacon
"The New Face of Unionbusting" Part 3

Bruce Nelson, "The Big Strike", in Bruce Nelson,
Workers on the Waterfront, Urbana and Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1990.

Stephen H. Norwood, Strikebreaking and Intimidation
Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America, University of North
Carolina Press, 2002
The section on "The Emergence of the Anti-Labor Mercenary" is available
on the University of North Carolina Press website at

Mike Quin, "The Big Strike: A Journalist Describes the 1934 San Francisco Strike" -- (History Matters)

Robert G. Rodden, from The Fighting Machinists, A Century of Struggle (Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers,
The Fighting Machinists, Soiuxland Lodge 1426 website)

Phil Shannon, Stephen H. Norwood, "[Review of] Strikebreaking and
Intimidation: Mercenaries and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America,
University of North Carolina Press/Chapel Hill, 2002",
Melbourne Indymedia, March 25, 2005 --

Robert Michael Smith, From Blackjacks to Briefcases: a History of
Commercialized Strike Breaking and Unionbusting in the United States,
Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio, 2003.
Interference with driving of Union members by Vance International Asset Protection
Team employees staging incidents is discussed on p 125. This section of the book
also details the use of high tech surveillance equipment by union busting

"Violence and the Newspaper Strike", Solidarity

Jerry White, "Private security company in Iraq suppressed
labor struggles in US", World Socialist Website, May 7, 2004 --

Mike Zielinski
"Armed and Dangerous: Private Police on the March",
Covert Action Quarterly

Imprisonment of Artists and Intellectuals - Communist Governments

Cultural Revolution -- (Encarta)

"Forced Labor Camps", Open Society, Gulag --

"Interview - Gulag. A history of the Soviet Camps - Anne Applebaum", Liberales --

Memorial --

Open Society, Gulag --

Bright Sheng
"NewMusicBox asks: What message does H'un (Lacerations): In Memoriam 1966-1976, which you
composed in memory of the Cultural Revolution in China, have for us today?
- Bright Sheng" --

Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Autobiography --

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, NY: Bantam, 1963.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Archipelago, NY: Harper & Row , 1973.

"Landscape of Memory: The Art of Mu Xin" (Asia Society Museum)

Control of Athletes

Steve, Kettmann, "E. German Olympic Dopers Guilty",
Wired News, July 18, 2000 -,1283,37631,00.html?tw=wn_story_related

Steven Ungerleider, "Saying Goodbye to Evil: Manfred Ewald",
The Oregonian, November 25, 2002 --

Intelligence Agency Subversion of the Arts

Dudley Cocke, Roadside Theater, "'Styles' - Susan Sontag",
Grantmakers in the Arts Reader, 2001 --
In response to CIA funding of the Partisan Review, Cocke writes:
"...What was the Agency buying? Perhaps it was an arts world restricted to
valorizing beauty, an arts and letters where multiple ideas about truth would
be discouraged from surfacing."
Sontag's quoted words in this article should be taken in the context
of the time when they were written and do not even necessarily apply to her later
work. I have in our time heard it expressed that art should only address political
issues. From my point of view, the point is not what a respected
artist said overtly -- artists say many things during the course of their lifetimes
-- but that any aesthetic criteria held by intelligence agencies covertly infiltrating
the arts could dictate what art is shown and what is not,
and because the influence is covert, that would be a serious impingement on freedom
of expression in the arts.

The same is true in the sciences where covert influence and funding could
negatively effect the work of scientists and researchers who do not pursue
defense-oriented research.

Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, What You Don't
Know About the Deaths of Jim Morrison, Tupac Shakur, Michael Hutchence,
Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Phil Ochs, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, John Lennon,
The Notorious B.I.G., Feral House, 2000 --

Herbert Mitgang, Dangerous Dossiers, Exposing the Secret War Against America's
Greatest Authors, NY, Donald Fine, 1988.
Mitgang documents FBI and/or US Army Intelligence and CIA surveillance of writers
and artists. Among the writers and artists who were spied on by the US Government were
Sinclair Lewis, Pearl Buck, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Alexander Calder,
Thomas Mann, Carl Sandburg, Dorothy Parker, Nelson Algren, Thornton Wilder,
Lillian Hellman, Truman Capote, and Georgia O'Keeffe. There were 356 pages of
FBI files on novelist Dashiell Hammet and over 600 pages of FBI files on poet
Archibald MacLeish.

Natalie Robins, Alien Ink: The FBI's War on Freedom of Expression,
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1993. p. 213
Robins documents FBI surveillance of writers. Among the many writers who were spied
on for years by the US Government were James Agee, Allen Ginsberg, Ernest Hemingway,
John Cheever, Randall Jarrell, William Carlos Williams, Marianne Moore, Muriel Rukeyser,
Langston Hughes, James Thurber, Kay Boyle and Mark Van Doren. There were at least
1,429 pages in novelist James Baldwin's FBI file.

Frances Stonor Saunders, Who Paid the Piper? The CIA and the
Cultural Cold War, Granta, 1999
Covert CIA funding of selected artists -- extensively documented in this book--
put some artists, writers, and musicians in the position of having no idea
that their work was unknowingly supported by the CIA. Furthermore, the CIA
control of culture documented in this book, while it may have had some
benefits in the abstract-expressionist era, may also have put in place a mechanism
for CIA interference in the arts -- in later eras when art and art forms,
such as performance art, new media, and e-literature became more challenging
both to the political establishment and to critics whose aesthetics
were formed in era of abstract expressionism.

Laurence Zuckerman, "How the Central Intelligence Agency
Played Dirty Tricks With Our Culture", The New York Times, March 18, 2000 -- (Common Dreams web site)

Intelligence Agency Subversion of the Press
COINTELPRO Media Operations --

Robert M. Eisinger and Jeremy Brown, "Poling as a Means Toward Presidential
Autonomy: Emil Hurja, Hadley Cantril and the Roosevelt Administration",
International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 10:3, 1998 --

Kate Houghton, "Subverting Journalism: Reporters and the CIA",
Committee to Protect Journalists ---

Angus Mackenzie, Secrets, The CIA's War at Home, Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1997.

Angus Mackenzie (Spartacus)

National Security Archive, "The CIA's Family Jewels;
Agency Violated Charter for 25 Years,
Wiretapped Journalists and Dissidents", June 27, 2007

"Operation Mockingbird" (Sparticus)

Bruce Page, David Leitch, Phillip Knightley, The Philby Conspiracy,
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1968. p 88
correspondents for the The Times in the British secret services

Richard Harris Smith, OSS, The Secret History of America's First
Central Intelligence Agency, Guilford, CT: The Lyons Press, 2005.
This book is of interest in the context of infiltration of the press and academia
because it documents the extensive press and faculty affiliations of OSS operatives,
which is not to say that this was a problem during WWII, but rather that it could have
fostered a situation that would eventually be problematical.

Christopher Simpson, "The CIA and the Founding Fathers of Communication Studies",
in The Science of Coercion Communication Research and Psychological Warfare
1945-1960 pp. 79-85 (Oxford University Press, 1994) --

Intelligence Agency Subversion of Academia
CIA on Campus website --

John Cavanagh, "Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network",
Forerunner, April 29, 1980 -- (CIA on Campus)

Alexander Cockburn, "The CIA's New Spies on Campus",
Counterpunch, January 26, 2005

Godfrey Hodgson, "Yale - A Great Nursery of Spooks", The New York Times,
August 16, 1987 -- fullpage.html?res=9B0DE3D61E38F935A2575BC0A961948260&sec=&pagewanted=1
A review of Robin W. Winks, Lead: Cloak & Gown - Scholars in the
Secret War, 1939-1961, New York: William Morrow & Company.

Robert Witanek, "The CIA on Campus", Covert Action Information Bulletin,
Winter 1989, pp. 25-28

Attacks on Arts and Academic Funding and Content
See also the sections on the FBI

Robert Atkins, "NEA 4 (all right, 2 of them) Re-Unite", Artery --

Richard Brenneman, "Professor Ignacio Chapela Wins Bitter UC Tenure Fight",
The Berkeley Daily Planet, May 24-25, 2005 --

Book Burning -- ( Holocaust Encyclopedia )

"Diego Rivera's Man at the Crossroads" --
(PBS Culture Shock website.

An echo of the May 10, 1933 Nazi book burnings took place the following year
on February 10, 1934, when, on orders from John D. Rockefeller, Jr, workmen
at Rockefeller Center used axes to destroy Diego Rivera's 63-foot-long mural
Man at the Crossroads because it included a detail of Lenin in a May Day parade.

The Catholic League --

Archibald L. Gillies, "A New Commitment: To Artists, Creativity, and Freedom of
Expression in the 21st Century", The Warhol Foundation, 2001 --
A well written and reasoned article about the loss of arts funding,
particularly NEA funding for individual artists, and its
impact on artists and on the country.

Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, What You Don't
Know About the Deaths of Jim Morrison, Tupac Shakur, Michael Hutchence,
Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Phil Ochs, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, John Lennon,
The Notorious B.I.G., Feral House, 2000 --

Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, Exiled German-Speaking Intellectuals in Los Angeles --
This website is hosted by the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library, a collection
donated to the University of Southern California by German exile writer
Lion Feuchtwanger's widow, Marta Feuchtwanger.

FSM@40: Free Speech in a Dangerous Time, University of California
at Berkeley, October, 2004 --

Marjorie Heins, "The Miracle: Film Censorship and the Entanglement of Church and State",
University of Virginia Forum for Contemporary Thought, Oct. 28, 2002 (revised Oct. 6, 2003)--
(The Free Expression Policy Project web site)

George L. Hersey, Evolution of Allure, Sexual Selection
from the Medici Venus to the Incredible Hulk, Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1996.

Of particular interest in this book by Yale art historian George Hersey,
is the description of British eugenicist Francis Galton's program for breeding
by "superior" families only; (pp 110-111) Cesare Lombroso's
denial of the equality of women in his prescription for sexual selection;
(pp 112-123) Max Nordau's attacks specifically on artists and his suggestion
that artists and other such personalities should be confined to camps where they
would be under constant supervision and would not be allowed
to reproduce; (p. 144) and the attacks of Nordau and proto-Nazi
Paul Schultze-Naumburg on art and artists.

Appearing in 1996, Evolution of Allure is of interest
in that, at the height of the culture wars,
it reveals historical antecedents for a series of systems not only for
eugenics breeding but also for the persecution of artists.

The Inquisition -- (wikipeida)

Doug Ireland, "The New Blacklist: Corporate America is bowing to anti-gay Christian
groups' boycott demands", LA Weekly, June 9, 2005

Lawrence Jarvik, "Ten Good Reasons to Eliminate Funding for the National
Endowment for the Arts" -- (The Heritage Foundation)

Judy Malloy, "Arts Foes Helms, Thurmond, and Gramm to Leave Senate"
Arts Wire Current, September 11, 2001 --
"...Helms' systematic attacks on individual artists focused national attention
not on the myriad creative approaches of this country's artists and the compelling
need for their support -- but rather on the narrow-minded prejudices of the attackers.
The Arts Endowment was under continual threat of elimination. The National arts budget
was drastically slashed. Content restrictions were imposed on government grants.

Celebrating many of the innovative individuals who (with little financial
compensation) have dedicated their lives to art making, an NEA Artist's Fellowship
was a meaningful award for this country's artists to strive for. But in the summer
of 1995, Congress eliminated grants to all individual artists, with the exception
of writers and jazz masters.... "

Judy Malloy, "Arts Community Urges Congress to Restore Individual Artists
Fellowships, Suggests Ways to Improve the Granting Process;
Affirming Community Arts Approach, Ways to Broaden Access to Local
Funding are Also Suggested", Arts Wire Current, May 27, 2002 --

Judy Malloy, Revelations of Secret Surveillance, 2004 --

Tim Miller and the N.E.A. 4
The four performance artists whose grants were rescinded were Karen Finley,
John Fleck, Holly Hughes, and Tim Miller.

Antonio Muntadas, The File Room --

Review of Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists
Expose the Myth of a Free Press,
Edited by Kristina Borjesson, Foreword by Gore Vidal
Prometheus Books, NY; $26; 2002

Vatican's bid to censure Graham Greene, BBC News, November 3, 2000 --

Michael Winship, "Blacklist Isn't New to CPB's Tomlinson
Public Broadcasting Chair Misrepresented Link to 1984 USIA Blacklist",, June 28, 2005 --

Background: Covert Total War

David Adams, "The Era of Industrial Warfare", in David Adams,
"Internal Military Interventions in the United States",
Journal of Peace Research, 32:2, 1995 --

"WR Grace Consultant Otto Ambros"
Memo from convicted Nazi War Criminal Otto Ambros, who was hired as
a consultant by WR Grace, Dow, and the US Army Chemical Corps:
"...We have furthermore drawn the attention of the concentration camp
to the fact that, in the last few weeks, the inmates are being severely flogged
on the construction site by the Capos in increasing measure, and this always
applies to the weakest inmates who really cannot work harder. The exceedingly
unpleasant scenes that occur on the construction site because of this
are beginning to have a demoralizing effect on the free workers (Poles),
as well as on the Germans. We have therefore asked that they should refrain
from carrying out this flogging on the construction site and transfer it to
the inside of the concentration camp." (note that this memo is currently
no longer available on the web)

"The History of St. Patrick's Day - Irish Music" --
(The History Channel)
Queen Elizabeth I decreed that all Irish Musician's and artists be hanged (Visit
In the 14th century, Irish Minstrels, were excluded from districts
which belonged to the English Government. The British "Statues of Kilkenny"
and the Penal Laws were for the Irish akin to the Nuremberg Laws enacted by the Germans
against the Jewish people.

The Inquisition -- (Wikipeida)

Nathan Leites and Charles Wolf, Jr., Rebellion and Authority,
Chicago, Markham Publishing Company, 1970. A RAND Corporation Research Study
Through anecdotes and unsubstantiated evidence, Leites and Wolf present a picture
that advocates rational choice (hurting people so that they will conform)
as opposed to constructive choice. (making life better for better)
Given that Rand was influential in formulating Vietnam era policy,
of particular interest is Chapter 6: "Inflicting Damage", pp 90-131.

Max Nordau, Degeneration, Lincoln and London, University
of Nebraska Press, 1993. (reprinted from the English langauage edition,
NY: D. Appleton & Co, 1895; original German edition: 1892)

On page 326, Nordau, speaking of work that he considers "ugly or loathsome",
states "Ought we not in this case to condemn the work and if possible to
suppress it? How can its right to exist be justified?"

After comparing artists to drunks and criminals, who should forcefully put
under Guardianship, he writes: "It never occurs to us to permit the criminal
by organic disposition to 'expand' his individually in crime, and just as
little can it be expected of us to permit the degenerate artist to expand his
individuality in immoral works of art." (p. 326)

Among the artists Nordau considers "degenerate" are the impressionist
painters, (p. 27) Zola, (pp. 489-506) Tolstoi (pp. 144-171) and Ibsen.
pp. 338-415) After calling Ibsen a "poet of great verve and power", he then
spends over 50 pages attempting to prove that Ibsen's works are degenerate,
finally emphasizing that Ibsen is immoral because of his strong women
characters: "Under Ibsen's code of morals the vast majority of wives would
have everything to lose. The severe discipline of matrimony is their bulwark..." (p. 415)

In addition to works which empower women or might influence them, Nordau
also rants against new forms. "The art and poetry of to-morrow, in all
essential points, will be the art and poetry of to-day and yesterday, and
the spasmodic seeking for new forms is nothing more than hysterical vanity,
the freaks of strolling players and charlatanism." (p. 544)

Nordau's method is that of the hell and brimstone preacher who himself sees
the seductive beauty of pleasure and therefore violently condemns it.
For instance, on pages 127-128, there is a progression from
the beauty of Verlaine's poetry to an attack on Verlaine in which Nordau calls
Verlaine a "repulsive degenerate" and "an emotional dreamer of feeble intellect" and
speaks of his "incoherent speech, meaningless expressions, and motley images."

Thus in 560 pages in which the beauty of art is turned into a venomous diatribe
against artists, Max Nordau, who was very influential at the time of the writing
of this book, sets the stage for the "Culture Wars" repression of artists and their
work, proposing a "Society for Ethical Culture" to brand immoral works. (p. 558)

Speaking of artists whom he considers "degenerate", in the concluding pages,
Nordau writes: "Mystics, but especially ego-maniacs and filthy pseudo-realists,
are enemies to society of the direst kind. Society must unconditionally defend
itself against them. Whoever believes with me that society is the natural
organic form of humanity, in which alone it can exist, prosper and continue
to develop itself to higher destinies; whoever looks upon civilization as a
good, having value and deserving to be defended, must mercilessly crush under
his thumb the anti-social vermin." (p. 557)

Eugenics - through World War II

Eric Adler, "Missourian played key role in old-time eugenics
movement", The Kansas City Star, April 27, 2002 --
..."It was Laughlin, too, who in 1924 would be instrumental
in altering the ethnic make-up of the United States. As Congress'
chosen 'expert eugenics agent,' he offered 'scientific' testimony
as to why the United States should pass the Immigration Restriction
Act..Used in part to deny access to thousands of European Jews
hoping to escape Nazi Germany, the law endured until the 1960s..."

Edwin Black, War Against the Weak, Eugenics and America's Campaign
to Create a Master Race. (Four Walls Eight Windows, 2003) --

Edwin Black, "Eugenics and the Nazis -- the California connection" --
San Francisco Chronicle, November 9, 2003 --

Edwin Black, IBM and the Holocaust. The Strategic Alliance
Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation.
Three Rivers Press, NY, 2001 --

Edwin Black, "Ethnic Cleansing in Connecticut, Our state's role
in the Nazi eugenics movement", Hartford Current,
September 11, 2003 (Mind Control Forums)

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - Eugenics Archive --

Davenport, Charles Benedict, Eugenics, the science of human
improvement by better breeding, New York, H. Holt and Co., 1910.

East, Edward M., Heredity and Human Affairs, New York: Scribners, 1927.

The intellectual veneer with which this book cloaks racist and sexist
thinking could potentially have promoted both human breeding schemes and
the control of educational opportunities for women and minorities.
The author was a professor at Harvard at the time the book was written.

Eugenics Part II: License to Breed -- (History House)

Paul Feist, "Davis apologizes for state's sterilization program
Those with hereditary flaws were victims", SF Chronicle,
March 12, 2003 -- cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/03/12/BA172425.DTL

E. S. Gosney and Paul Popenoe, Sterilization for Human Betterment,
A Summary of Results of 6,000 Operations in California, 1909-1929,
NY, Macmillan, 1929. (reprint NY, Arno Press, 1980.

"Oregonians Get Apology for Sterilizations"

Errol Anthony Henderson, "The Scholarship of White Supremacy",
Excerpted from the book Afrocentrism and World Politics: Towards a New Paradigm --
(The National Black United Front)

George L. Hersey, Evolution of Allure, Sexual Selection
from the Medici Venus to the Incredible Hulk, Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1996.

Dave Reynolds
"The eugenics apologies: How a pair of disability rights advocates
scored the first state apology for eugenics, and what they have planned next"
Ragged Edge Online, Nov./Dec. 2003

Stefan Kuhl, The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism,
and German National Socialism by (Oxford University Press, 1994)
reviewed by David Lethbridge --

Harry H. Laughlin --
"...His model sterilization laws were used by many of the more than 30
states that passed sterilization laws. Germany's 1933 sterilization laws were
also modeled after Laughlin's. Laughlin's immigration studies, which
seemed to support the idea that recent immigrants from Southern and
Eastern Europe had a higher percentage of "socially inadequate" persons
than other immigrants, led to the highly restrictive immigration quota
system of 1924 which favored immigrants from Northern Europe..."

"Breckinridge Long", PBS website on America and the Holocaust --

David H. Pierce, Threatening Anthropology, McCarthyism and
the FBI's Surveillance of Activist Anthropologists, Durham and London,
Duke University Press, 2004.
Pierce documents FBI attacks on anthroplogists who espoused racial justice.
Among the anthropologists whom the FBI did not attack was Earnest Hooton, whose
proposal of a national government supervised human breeding program
is mentioned on p. 348.

Welling Savo, "The Master Race", Boston Magazine,
December, 2002 --

Alexandra Minna Stern, "Michigan should apologize for forced sterilizations"
The Detroit News, August 3, 2003

Charles Webster, "Eugenic sterilisation: Europe's shame",
Health Matters, December 13, 2004.
In addition to documenting the 60,000 people subjected to sterilisation
in Sweden, discusses Francis Galton "the founder of the pseudo-science of eugenics,
which provided the intellectual infrastructure for the advocates of sterilisation
and related measures of social control."

Eugenics - WWII - to present

Tom Abate, "Nobel Winner's Theories Raise Uproar in Berkeley
Geneticist's views strike many as racist, sexist",
San Francisco Chronicle, November 13, 2000 -- ( website)

Marcella Bombardieri, "Summers' remarks on women draw fire",
Boston Globe, January 17, 2005.
"The president of Harvard University, Lawrence H. Summers,
sparked an uproar at an academic conference Friday when he said
that innate differences between men and women might be one reason
fewer women succeed in science and math careers. Summers also questioned
how much of a role discrimination plays in dearth of female professors
in science and engineering at elite universities."

Peter R. Breggin, "Campaigns Against Racist Federal Programs by the
Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology",
Journal of African American Men 1:No. 3, 3-22. Winter 1995/96

Chronicle of Survival - Caught in the Crossfire - American Carpet
Bombing and the "Secret Invasion" of Cambodia Set the Stage for Disaster
"The US dropped 540,000 tons of bombs, killing anywhere from 150,000 to 500,000 civilians."

Michael Sullivan DeFine, "A History of Governmentally Coerced
Sterilization: The Plight of the Native American Woman" -- (Native American Political Issues web site)

Boyd E. Graves --
Graves presents evidence that the AIDS virus
was created under the auspices of the U.S. Special Virus program

Sara Hoerlein, "Female Sterilization in Puerto Rico", Puerto --

Grace Lichtenstein, Fund Backs Controversial Study of `Racial Betterment,
The New York Times Dec 11, 1977 --
(Harford Web Publishing - World History Project)

"The Naked and the Nude", At Harvard, 1995 --
"...W.H. Sheldon and E.A. Hooton, the two professors behind the photo
frenzy, used the pictures for a very different, almost sinister purpose --
to link posture, which they believed was hereditary, with personality.
The intent was subtle but unmistabable..."

William Osborne, "Profoundly shocking Ars Electronica
`Next Sex' festival in Austria has disturbing implications
- including the claims that rape, eugenics can be useful in art"
MSNBC, 2000 --

The Pioneer Fund -- Controversies --
Attempting to setting the record straight, the Pioneer Fund
makes its racist agenda clear

Ron Rosenbaum, "The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal", The
New York Times, January 15, 1995 --
(on Urban Legend Archives web site)

Michael C. Ruppert, "Blacks Were Targeted for CIA Cocaine,
It Can Be Proven", January 28, 1999 -- (

Gary Webb, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack
Cocaine Explosion, Seven Stories Press, 1999 -- ref=sr_2_1/104-1096280-5293536

Operation Paperclip

Linda Hunt, Secret Agenda, The United States Government, Nazi
Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945-1990. St. Martin's Press, 1991.
(out of print)
A comprehensive account that documents the bringing to this country
of about 1000 Nazi scientists and researchers under Operation Paperclip,
which recruited Nazi war criminals. Hunt documents how Werner von Braun
and his team were sent to Huntsville and von Braun became the first director
of the Marshall Space Flight Center; how Kurt Debus, Peenemunde's V-2 flight
director, became the first director of NASA's Kennedy Center;
and how Arthur Rudolph, who drove and murdered slaves,
became the project director for NASA's Saturn IV rocket program
that took the U.S. to the moon.

Linda Hunt also establishes that the Operation Paperclip program
continued under various names (National Interest; Project 63) through 1990.
As regards Project 63, she writes: "Thus the American taxpayer footed
the bill for a project to help former Nazis obtain jobs with Lockheed,
Martin Marietta, North American Aviation or other defense contractors
during a time when many American engineers in the aircraft industry were
being laid off." (p. 176)

Linda Hunt, "Arthur Rudolph of Dora and NASA", Moment 4, 1987 --
(Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament website)

Linda Hunt, "NASA's Nazis", Nation, May 23, 1987 --
(Literature of the Holocaust website)

Fensch, Thomas, "Rockets from hell", Houston Chronicle,
June 1997

Martin A. Lee, "Their Will Be Done, Let the pope keep the kingdom and
the glory -- the CIA wants the power", Mother Jones,
July/August, 1983 --
The article includes connections between the CIA, the Knights of Malta,
and aid to Nazi war criminals.

Hubertus Strughold
Strughold, who tortured prisoners at Dachau, was made Director of the
Department of Space Medicine at Randolph Air force Base in Texas.

Alissa Kaplan
"Name of scientist nixed from library due to Nazi past",
Jewish News weekly -- dition_id/34/format/html/displaystory.html

Leon Jaroff
"The Rocket Man's Dark Side, Many scientists insist Wernher von Braun
only observed German concentration camps. New revelations
tell a very different story" , Time, Mar. 26, 2002 --,9565,220201,00.html

Martin A. Lee, "The CIA's worst-kept secret
Newly declassified files confirm United States collaboration with Nazis", San Francisco Bay Guardian, May 7, 2001 -- (Common Dreams)

Critical Mass Performance Group
Apollo Part I - Lebensraum --

Judy Malloy, Revelations of Secret Surveillance, 2004 --

National Security Archive, "The CIA and Nazi War Criminals" --

Michael J. Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich,
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995
The complicity of Marshall Space Flight Center Director Wernher von Braun,
Saturn Moon Rocket Project Director Arthur Rudolph, and Walter Dornberger,
(hired in this country after the War by the US Air Force and Bell Aircraft
Corporation) in the deaths of workers and the brutal use of slave labor in the
Nazi rocket program is discussed in pp 225-228.
U.S. Army Ordinance's role in obscuring Wernher von Braun's complicity
in the use of slave labor is discussed in the "Epilogue". (pp. 270-271, 278)

Review of Karl Grossman's The Wrong Stuff (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press) --

Ken Silverstein, "Our Nazi allies, A German amateur investigator
finds information on the U.S. government's friendly dealings with war
criminals. Meanwhile, the FBI and CIA guard their records",, May 2003 --

Operation Paperclip Casefile --
Joanne Tuck, "Preliminary Study on Ethics and German Engineers
During the Nazi Period", Context, Spring, 1999

Space Agency Negligence
See also the references under Operation Paperclip

Apollo 204 Review Board, Final Reports, April 5, 1967 --
(Report of Apollo 204 Review Board, NASA Historical Reference Collection,
NASA History Office, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.)

The "Findings, Determinations and Recommendations" in the report of
the 1967 fire that killed Grissom, White, and Chaffee stated that:

"Those organizations responsible for the planning, conduct and safety of this test failed
to identify it as being hazardous. Contingency preparations to permit escape or rescue of the
crew from an internal Command Module fire were not made.
*No procedures for this type of emergency had been established either for the
crew or for the spacecraft pad work team.
*The emergency equipment located in the White Room and on the spacecraft work levels
was not designed for the smoke condition resulting from a fire of this nature.
*Emergency fire, rescue and medical teams were not in attendance.
*Both the spacecraft work levels and the umbilical tower access arm contain
features such as steps, sliding doors and sharp turns in the egress paths
which hinder emergency operations."

Adequate safety precautions were neither established nor observed for this test."

According to Linda Hunt, (Secret Agenda, pp 223) there is evidence
that Kurt Debus, who was Director of the Kennedy Space Center, was negligent both in approving
the mission and in not seeing that adequate fire fighting equipment was on hand.
Debus had been an engineer at the Nazi missile factory at Peenemunde.

"Dark Side of the Moon", --
Gus Grissom's son Scott, an airline pilot, presents evidence that the Apollo 1 spacecraft
his Father died in was sabotaged. (Note that this site is currently not available)

R. P. Feynman, "Personal Observations on Reliability of Shuttle",
Report of the PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION on the Space Shuttle
Challenger Accident, June 6th, 1986 Washington, D.C. -- (NASA History Office)
Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feymann observes that the
discrepencies between NASA pr and the reality of chances of failure,
stating that "It would appear that, for whatever purpose, be it for internal
or external consumption, the management of NASA exaggerates the
reliability of its product, to the point of fantasy."

Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident, June 6th,
1986 Washington, D.C.
In the section titled "An Accident Rooted in History" , the Commission
states that: "The Space Shuttle's Solid Rocket Booster problem began
with the faulty design of its joint and increased as both NASA and contractor
management first failed to recognize it as a problem,
then failed to fix it and finally treated it as an acceptable flight risk.

Morton Thiokol, Inc., the contractor, did not accept the implication
of tests early in the program that the design had a serious and
unanticipated flaw. NASA did not accept the judgment of its engineers
that the design was unacceptable, and as the joint problems grew in
number and severity NASA minimized them in management briefings and reports."

Yahoo, Moon Missions > Apollo

Underreported Space program accidents include the deaths of
astronauts Vigil "Gus" Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee in
a fire during a spacecraft test on January 27, 1967 and the deaths of
technicians John Gerald Bjornstad, Forrest Cole, and
on March 19, 1981 in a Space Shuttle launch pad accident.

Compiled by Judy Malloy, as a resource for Revelations of Secret Surveillance,
Concerto for Narrative Data,
The Wedding Celebration of Gunter and Gwen,
and Ask for Sanctuary
Writer/information artist Judy Malloy has worked as an information specialist, abstracter,
and indexer in the areas of chemical engineering, biotechnology, and aerospace R&D, including
Technical Librarian for Electromagnetic Research Corporation in Maryland and Technical
Librarian for Ball Brothers Research Corporation in Colorado, (now Ball Aerospace &
Technologies Corp.) where she was instrumental in the design of a computerized catalog.
She has also worked as an editor for the Union Catalog at the Library of Congress in
Washington DC.

From 1993-1997, she was a Consultant in Electronic Communities and the Document of the
Future at Xerox PARC.

Last Update: May 24, 2008

1 comment:

Mind_Disease said...

crazy! ppl cant see whats really goin on..just crazy